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Engineer (Kayla) POV
'He was called Eclipse' Sasha says on the other end of the phone. 'How can we get him built?' I ask her 'Well if we still have spare material off Sun and Moon it should be pretty easy, you make a quick sketch and then I'll send it to the builders and they'll get it done.' I sigh in relief 'Thanks Sasha you're the best' I say and hang up. I wake Moon to tell him the news, 'Hi Moon, I just called someone and they told me how to help you' I explain everything to him and he nods in understanding. 'I have one more question if you dont mind me asking?' He looks nervous 'Hm?' I reply to him 'Well uh.. why do we have.. genitals?' He asks me, I stand there in shock and start muttering to myself 'No I got rid of that why did they-' I cut myself off looking at the reference sheet I gave the builders, 'Ah fuck, I know why Moon' he tilts his head at me 'A co-worker of mine drew on my reference sheet, well most likely everyones and we didnt notice so handed them in, you can guess what that person drew and no one questioned it' he makes an 'o' with his mouth 'Ok well thank you..' his eyes narrow slightly, zooming in' 'Kayla.' He says proud of himself. 'Your welcome Moon' I say as he walks off.

Moon POV
I get outside P&S and fly back to my room nearly half an hour before Sun wakes up so I climb back into my blue hammock, I looked over at Sun and god he was hot when asleep like that. His body started to shake so I went over to him and stroked his arm to settle him, it didnt work so I brought him to my hammock and lie him in there with me. Soon enough I fall asleep with my arm round him and relaxed.

I wake up and have no idea where I am, I look around and see blue and when I look behind me, MOON? I wonder how I got in here but cant get out as Moon is practically holding me like a body pillow, how did I even get in here? Does Moon know I'm here? What happened? So many questions are flooding my mind when Moon suddenly wakes stretching gently, 'Morning Sun~' he says to me 'Morning Moon.. how did I get here?' He goes slightly red and I rurn over in the small hammock facing him, our bodys touching, 'Well uh..' he searches for an answer 'You were shivering last night like you were scared so I stroked your arm for comfort and when that didn't work I brought you here and you calmed down..' he explains to me, I go redder by the second and notice how close we are, I take my chance and nuzzle into his chest. 'Love you Moony' I whisper but my voice is muffled in his chest and he strikes my rays, we do this for a while before remembering the daycare opens soon so as much as I hate not being next to Moon like that we scurry around trying to get things ready for the kids. When the kids burst through the doors or down the slide Moon flies to sit on a play structure as he usually scares children, he doesn't even know why but I do. That poor child...

Eclipse of the shadows (sun x moon)Where stories live. Discover now