Kids are so silly

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Gender neutral y/n is here!

It's been a few days since me and Moon got engaged and I couldn't be happier, I'd just finished setting up the daycare and a kid slid down the slide, I greeted them and then more came down one after the other.

After all the kids were here I gathered them in a crowd infront of me. "Ok kids! What do you want to play first?" I asked them and a small group of children, who were all huddled together, put their hands up. Presuming they all had the same idea I turned to them and pointed at them to let them know to speak. "WE WANT TO PLAY DRESS UP!!" They shouted in unison, "Alright the-" I said but got cut off "We need Mr. Moon though!" They said to me. "Ok then, talk amongst yourselves and I'll go get Mr. Moon" I instructed them and all the kids nodded.

Moon POV
Sun walked into our room and I tilted my head slightly, confused. "The kids want you, they're playing dress up" he told me. I sighed, dont get me wrong, I love seeing the children but only if they're sleeping, I've gotta give Sun some credit, I don't know how he puts up with those energetic gremlins all day. "Fine" I say as we walk together to the daycare below us.

Sun claps twice to get the kids attention and they all look at him, kinda creepy if you ask me. "I'll go and get the dress up outfits-" I say but get cut off as the kids say "No!" In unison, me and Sun share confused glances at eachother before being taken to separate dressing rooms by some groups of kids. In these dressing rooms were dress up outfits sized for me and Sun. One kid, presumably the leader instructed the other kids things to find. I stood there confused and slightly scared.

-After the kids come back-

"Mr. Moon! Put these on!" The kids say, throwing me some clothes before leaving, not giving me time to argue. They had given me a... tuxedo??

The kids that had took me had left to find things in the dressing room before returning shortly after and lying clothes on a stool, pointing and saying to wear them before leaving. I looked at them and it was.. A WEDDING DRESS AND VEIL??

3rd person POV
(I've never wrote in 3rd person)

As Sun and Moon left the dressing rooms without seeing each other, some kids led Moon to a makeshift stage that had been moved to the middle of the daycare. Most of the kids were sat in seats and there was a gap between, presumably the isle. Moon was instructed to stand on the stage where a kid called y/n was on a stool with a random kids book in their hands. They then clicked their fingers and another kid led Sun out from behind a play structure and told him something before sitting down. Moon blushed at the sight of Sun in a dress and Sun blushed when he laid his eyes on Moon in a tux.

Even though I'd figured it out by this point I was still shocked when I saw Moon at the end of the 'isle' and in a tux at that! I started my walk down it and when I reached the end I was instructed by the 'vicar' to put my hands in Moon's.

Moon POV
Sun looks so hot rn I wish the kids weren't here right now..

Suns hands were in mine and the kid started speaking.

Y/n (the 'vicar') POV
YES IT'S GOING SO PERFECT. I clear my throat and begin to speak "We are gathered here today so see the marrige of Sun and Moon, in sickness and in health, till death may they part blah blah blah, Sun," I look at Sun "Do you take Moon to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Sun soon replies "I do" so I turn to Moon "Moon, do you take Sun to be your lawfully wedded husband?" And Moon looks at Sun lovingly, awwwe! "I do" I smile and look at the children watching, my friends who helped plan this nodded, "You may kiss the groom!" I say happily to them.

Me and Moon look at y/n as they said we may kiss. They roll their eyes and click twice and before me and Moon can react we are pushed together by some kids, making us kiss. We both pull away blushing deeply. All the kids cheer along with some others saying 'eww' etc, me and Moon look at the crowd embarrassed even though we are actually engaged. "Alright kids time to clean, it's nap time soon!" I announce to cover the embarrassment of what just happened.

The rest of the day went normally, after nap time it was snack time then they could do what they wanted till they left. After the day me and Moon had cleaned and sat on the balcony.

Moon POV
A thought had been on my mind since this morning, "Hey Sun?" He turned to me "Yeah Moony?" He replied concerned "Do you think well ever be able to actually get married, y'know.. considering were animatronics and such.." he kissed me on the cheek "Think of it this way, they let us out the building, they've built us with.. parts, and treat us nearly the same as a human worker, looking at their policy it says they have to treat us nearly as well as a human worker because of how much were capable of, put all this together and they will most likely let us, don't worry Moonpie" he says then kisses me. I smile softly, "Wanna go cuddle?" I ask him "You bet" he says as we leave to go cuddle.

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