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Moon POV
I couldn't do it, I just couldn't put that note there. What would Sun think? Me leaving him then asking him not to replace me? I rip up the note and go to head to bed but something was stopping me. I look out the curtains only to be faced with...


I grabbed Sun and alerted Eclipse who grabbed Lunar, we darted out of the plex and hid in a bush so no one would find us, we took the tracking devices Fazbear Entertainment had put on us off each other and me and Eclipse looked at each other. "Where should we go...?" He asked me I thought for a moment "I know a person"

We had walked for ages and finally made it to Sasha's house, we were close friends so I knew how to get here "Uh.. who's house is this Moon?" I smiled at him reassuringly and rung the bell, checking Sun as I did so. Footsteps got closer then I heard "The fuck you want? Its 2am" I chuckled "Moon?" She questioned then threw open the door "What the fuck-" "Plex was on fire, no time to explain, can we stay?" Eclipse asked, Sasha turned to me "What he said" I assured her as we were pulled inside.

Sasha POV
"Ok so you're saying, a fire just magically started and you two- sorry, four rushed out the daycare, abandoned your tracking devices in a bush and ran here?" I questioned them and they nodded. "I suppose you's can stay, I have 2 spare rooms and both have a double bed, Moon." I turned to him and he pointed at himself "Yes you, don't.fuck.Sun.in.my.house" he nodded sheepishly "How did you kno-" he started but I interrupted "Kayla" He made an O shape with his mouth "Now, become human so you's don't have to charge because I don't have any of that fancy shit on hand, I'm a mechanic, not a magician."

Eclipse and Moon nodded and turned themselves and their spouses human. Well, I'm guessing Lunar and Eclipse have something going on, I mean look at them.

-The morning-

Where am I? This isn't the daycare? Moon? WHERE'S MOON?? I roll over and see Moon lying down facing me, to my surprise, as a human. "Moon?" I question "OH THANK GOD SUNNY YOUR ALIVE!!" He happily shouts and gets on top of me hugging and kissing me affectionately "Where are we?" Moon gets off me and pulls me up "Sashas house!" I furrow my brows, "Why?" Be is quick to answer "The Pizzaplex was on fire, again" I nod then let him lead me.

In the kitchen a ginger woman was making pancakes, she turned to me and Moon and I saw her more clearly. She had dark brown eyes and vitiligo skin, her hair was down and about shoulder length, "Sun, this is Sasha, Sasha, this is Sun" Moon introduced us and held me by my waist, Sasha smirked at him "So this is the man you talk about on your weekly checkups?" Moon went red in embarrassment but nodded none the less. Sasha went on to tell me how Moon talks about me till Moon speaks over her "You cant say much! Your always talking about Kayla!" This was Sasha's turn to go red and they kept bickering like siblings till I thought of how to shut at least one of them up, I kissed Moon and felt something hit my face "Jee, get a room" Sasha said, the thing that was thrown at us was... a pancake. Moon was blushing and pulled me back in to kiss me again "Hey! You two! No fucking on MY beds, ok?" We nod, I'll be honest, I have seen her around but she's completely different outside work, shes much more... nice and laidback. "Soooo where's the other two lovebirds?" She asks "One, I don't even know if they're dating, and 2 Lunar sleeps too much" Moon answers "Fair" Sasha replies dishing out pancakes, I give Moon one last kiss befoe going to Sasha's side to take a plate of pancakes.

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