A house???

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-A few months after getting jobs and working-

"Guess what!!" Lunar exclaimed jumping up and down on the spot, "WHAT?" We all asked excitedly "We have enough money to collectively buy a house!" My grin widened even more hearing that, I turned and kissed passionately Moon in celebration.


The four of us were crowded round a computer, Sasha looking at houses for us "What about this..?" She kept saying but we knew what we wanted as 2 of us would be downstairs and the other 2 would live upstairs so as to have a form of privacy. We also wanted at least 1 guest room just incase. Sasha kept scrolling till she came across the perfect house, it was described as so: '2 story, 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom home with 1 kitchen and 2 living rooms. Buy now! Offer ends soon' we all looked at each other for confirmation "That one!" I said happily for the others. Sasha clicked on it, "Oh thats just down the road, do you want to look around or-" Moon rudely interrupted her "We'll be fine" she shrugged and clicked the 'Buy Now!' Option, putting the 4 of us' shared bank details in.  (Yes they have bank accounts, it's wattpad logic)

Moon POV
Luckily we didn't have much to move so it was an easy joirney, all we had was clothes and a small amount of things from the plex. As soon as we settled we watched tv in the downstairs living room and Sun quickly fell asleep in my lap, despite how early it was. After a while all of us went to bed and I cuddled him to sleep.

Solar POV
Hahaha thise idiots think I'm gone, but I'm not. I escaped the ashes before anyone could asked questions, while yes, I may be a slight but damaged it doesn't mean I'll die! I'll observe them for a while, figure out their routine, then my plan will be in action....

Sorry for the short chapter, the next will hopefully be longer.

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