The Pizzaplex

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We leave the daycare to look around and see rockstar row. I've met Freddy a few times and he seems nice so I suggest we should go there but on the way we see Roxy. She has a mirror in her hand and is saying something so decide to avoid her as she is probably talking about herself to herself and will get pissed if we interupt her and don't say shes amazing or something like that.

We somehow miss Freddy's room while avoiding Roxy and end up in el chips, we have no clue how we got there as its on the 3rd floor and we were on the ground floor. We go into el chips and find out they haven't even stocked food in there yet. As we walk to the stairs we see the arcade, 'Should we look in there?' Moon asked me excited for an excuse of this boring look around, 'Fine but only for a bit, we dont have long till 8am' I relpied checking my internal clock, it was 6:30am. We go in and see a giant spider like thing,I scream in fear as I'm terrified of spiders and jump into Moons arms and to my surprise he catches me.

Moons POV
Sun jumps into my arms and I catch him, he's sat in my arms both of us confused on what to do as he didn't expect me to catch him (I don't think) and I didnt expect him to jump. The warm feeling comes back again, I'm telling myself to put him down but I want to keep holding him, it just feels right. Then to my dismay he climbs out of my arms and awkwardly smiles ar me. 'Should we go see what it is?' I ask him, expecting a no but he replies 'Yes if you want to' I start to walk towards it and Sun stands close by then the giant spider moves, getting up onto its feet. As it starts moving Sun grabs my hand, most likely expecting it to attack. I squeeze his hand from instinct to comfort him and he goes slightly red. The spider looks at us and speaks 'Hello?' I reply for both me and Sun and say 'Hi I'm Moon this is Sun were the daycare attendants' the spider replies, his voice sounds like its autotuned and underwater in a way, 'I'm DJ music man or DJ for short it's nice to meet you two' he then goes back to lying down and Sun loosens his grip on my hand, still holding it though. We leave to go and do what we were originally meant to do and go to rockstar row.

We make our way down the stairs and to rockstar row. Sun leads the way, sadly no longer holding my hand as he skips ahead. Shit no he's your friend don't think that. I walk closley behind as he knocks on Freddy's door, he answers quickly and invites us in, ushering us to sit on the couch in his room and speaking 'Hi you two it's nice to see different faces for once today' he laughs slightly and smiles.

Since I held moons hand and jumped in his arms hes been acting off. I cant tell whats wrong but hes not his usual self. He's being more quiet and fidgety as we sit taklking to Freddy. I think Freddy notices too but he wont see it fully as I know Moon better than anyone here. I'm thinking why he might be acting different when suddenly I'm awoken from my daydream by a hand, or should I say paw, waving in my face and hearing 'Earth to sun?' And 'Are you ok?' I gather myself together and reply 'Yeah I'm ok I dont know what happened maybe I need a charge' then Moon replies to me and says 'We should go back to the daycare then so you can charge a bit before the kids arive' so we say our goodbyes to Freddy and head back to the daycare.

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