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Walang magmomove-on sa pamilyang to!! HAHHAHAHA charot


I checked my phone to look at the time, as I hear Michelle shuffling underneath her covers at the other side of the room.


My eyes widened, as I sat abruptly in my bed, panicking.

"MICHELLE WAKE UP IT'S 7AM! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!" I scream in panic as I hastily walked across the room, almost tripping.

I hear Michelle groan, as she almost falls from her bed, startled with my yelling.

"My god Anntonia. You are so damn loud" she says, looking at me with her adorably sleepy eyes.

I let out a sarcastic laugh, that was quickly morphed into a deadpan expression as I look at her with squinting eyes.

"Your alarm is the loud one! It's so annoying and you wouldn't even budge!" I rolled my eyes. "I almost threw your phone across the room."

She rolled her eyes, laughing lightly. "So dramatic" she mumbled as she stood up, almost losing her balance as she does.

"I heard that" I say, smiling lightly.

She didn't respond as she continues to drunkenly walk her way across the room.

"You good?" I worriedly asked, as I finish fixing my stuff.

She nodded, walking lazily towards the bathroom. "Yeah. Just kinda light-headed." she says, closing the bathroom door.

My eyebrows scrunched in concern as I remember her mentioning that she wasn't feeling well last night. "Well, are you sure you can go on today? You can just stay here at the hotel room if you want"

I hear her shuffling in the bathroom before responding. "Nahh I can manage. I think."

"You should try eating something first before we go. I can order us some food." I say, reaching for my phone.

I hear the water stop running. "No, it's fine. We're going to be so late." she pauses "Can you hand me the towel?"

I walked towards the bathroom, as I look for her towel. "Here" I say as I hand her the towel. I tried so hard to look away, and control myself from feeling bothered by the fact that she's taking a bath, wearing nothing, just a few inches away from me. I shivered at the thought. What the hell is wrong with me.

My thoughts were cut off by Michelle's voice, "My hand is right here, Anntonia" I hear her chuckle.

I quickly looked where her hand was, then looked away again in a haste. "Oh sorry. There you go." I say, awkwardly walking back towards our beds.

I hear her mumble a "thanks" in response.

I stared in an empty space, shaking my head as to shake my own thoughts.


Michelle and I were walking hand-in-hand, as we got separated from the other delegates. There are so much press all around us.

"I'm so hungry!!" Michelle cries as we continue to walk towards our van.

"That's what you get for rejecting my offer earlier this morning"

"We were literally running late!" she says, as she climbs her way to the van. She waits for me, offering her hand to help me up.

"Thanks to your annoying alarm" I replied as we find our seats.

"You just won't stop bringing up my alarm, won't you?" she says, chuckling.

We both sat, letting out a tired sigh. Michelle yawns beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. "I'm so tired." she mumbles, closing her eyes. I shivered lightly at the contact.

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