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We are on our way to prepare for the Miss Universe skin care event. I'm fixing my make-up at the moment, as well as Anntonia.

"Girls, we'll be leaving in 10." A knock on the door echoes through the room. My eyes widened in panic, as I try to finish my make-up in a faster pace.

Kakasimula ko pa nga lang halos eh hello?

"Shit" I hear Anntonia mumble from a distance in panic as well.

"Michelle have you seen my eyeliner?" I hear her say.

"No. I haven't. Maybe it's there somewhere."

"Can't find it. Shit." I hear her whisper in an exasperated tone.

"Just don't put any, babe. You'll look amazing either way." I console.

We spent the next minutes, cramming our make-ups, losing our stuff, and trying to find them everywhere.

Mukha nang binagyo yung kwarto after. Lol. Sorry not sorry.

"Is this yours?" I hear her say as she hands me my stuff. And another. And another.

"Why is my stuff everywhere?" I mumble to myself.

"Girls, it's time to leave." Another knock comes.

"Okay. Just a second." I replied, as I hurriedly fix my stuff, finally ready to go.

"I'm done." I say, looking over Anntonia who's still fixing her hair.

"Of course you're done. You have half the hair that I have!" she rambled. I chuckled, walking towards her to help.

"No it's fine. I got it. I'm almost done." she says before I even got the chance to help her.

I shrugged it off as I wait for her to finish.

"Okay. Done." I finally hear her say.

"Thank the Lord. Let's go." I say, carrying my stuff.

I looked over Anntonia who's seemingly having difficulties carrying hers. She's bringing a couple of bags kasi.

Ano ba kasing dala mo buong bahay ba yan?

"Let me." I say, carrying some of her stuff.

She mumbled a "thanks", almost tripping when she stepped on a lipstick scattered on the floor. I held her by the waist, balancing her frame.

"Careful" I whispered. She froze at the contact, looking down as she tries to avoid my gaze.

She wiggled from my grip, walking ahead of me.

What's with her today? She's acting weird.

We continued to walk until we reach the van then off we go.

The event finished, and Anntonia has been uncharacteristically quiet. Normally, this girl likes to nag. But now, she has uttered three words to me during this whole event.

There are a lot of people and press everywhere, and I'm trying to find her. When I finally gotten a glance of her whereabouts, I patiently waited for her to finish before walking towards her way. I tried holding eye-contact but as I do so, she still couldn't look at me straight in the eye.

She touched my backside, as we walked towards a less-crowded place where only a few people can be seen.

I took this as an opportunity to open the topic. "What's with you?" I asked. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glancing at me.


"You've been acting weird the whole day." I replied, trying to get a view of her face.

"What do you mean?" she said, still avoiding my gaze.

I gently touched her arm. "Come on, Ann. What is it?" I pause, thinking. "Did I do something?"

"No." her immediate response.

"Then what's the matter? You've barely talked to me, and you couldn't even look at me in the eye." I say. "I don't like it when you're like this with me. Just tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it." I plead, trying to read her face that's being covered by her hair.

"There's nothing wrong, Dee." she says, sighing as she meets my gaze. For a moment, I saw tears in her eyes before she tries to blink them away.

I gently touched her cheek, consoling her. "Hey, are you crying?"

She shook her head, wrapping her arms around me, not replying. "Can you just hug me and stop talking please?" she whispers against my chest.

I smiled lightly, stroking her hair, as I hug her tighter. "Sorry I didn't mean to make you cry."

"Shut up." she silenced me as she buries her face on my neck.

We stayed like that for a while before she pulls away. "Better?" I say, smiling at her.

She nods, smiling lightly back. "Sorry. It's the mood swings again."

I laughed, touching her backside. "Don't say sorry. I told you I can handle it. I can handle everything about you, Ann. You don't have to worry about anything." I say, making her sigh while meeting my gaze with thoughts that I can hardly read.

"I know." she says, still holding my gaze intently. Her eyes is showing everything and nothing at the same time. I'm usually good at reading her, but this time, I can't seem to figure out what she's thinking about.

Something changed in her demeanor since last night. And I'm worried.

Her gaze falls to my lips for a moment, making me shiver. Her face is so close to mine, making me feel so much emotions all at once. I gently stroke her cheek, admiring her beautiful features. How can someone be this perfect?

"What are we?" I hear her mumble.

I froze, taken aback by her question. She looks down, expression of regret and shock enveloping her face as she realizes what she just said.

She steps back distancing herself from me, looking down. "Sorry. Forget I said that."

"Hey" I tried to reach for her hand, but she moves away.

"I need to think." she whispers under her breath, walking away and leaving me dumbfounded.


uy may nacoconfused na HAHAHHA chour

thank you for 1k reads btw! lab ko kayo 💓💓

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