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masama ba loob niyo dahil sa huling chapter? oh eh anong pake ko? HAHHAHAHAHAH charot lang


My mind has been racing for hours now since my last call with Ann and I can't sleep.

I couldn't shake off the thoughts of Ann and how awful it feels being this far from her. I just find myself wandering towards Rhian's room, not knowing what else to do.

It took a while before she opens the door, as I was welcomed by the sight of her messy hair. She looks at me with confused gaze as she yawns while rubbing her eyes.

"Oops. Did I wake you?"

She smiles sarcastically before rolling her eyes. "Obvious ba? It's 3am what the hell are you doing up?"

"Can't sleep" I say, striding inside her room as I collapse on her bed.

"Ahh ang galing so ano ngayon you will damay damay me? Natutulog ako ng mapayapa rito" she said, laying beside me, as she goes back to sleep facing her back towards me.

"Parang ganun na nga."

"Whatever" she mumbled, her voice muffled by the pillow.

"Luh wag mo kong tulugan huy." I whine, shaking her shoulder awake, earning a groan from her.

"My godd!! So annoying. Bumalik ka na nga don kay Anntonia mo so you can annoy her instead." she says, but still turning around to face me nonetheless.

Syempre di naman niya ako matitiis eh hihi

"Ano na naman ba yun?" she groans

"I don't know what else to do, Rhi. Ang hirap nang ganitong malayo ako sakanya. What do I do?" I say, frustrated at the thought of the struggle of having this distance with Ann.

The distance is killing me. I can't just keep talking to her through a damn screen. I need to be with her. I need to see her. I need to feel her. So badly.

"Then freakin' fly to her. Is that a problem?" she says, making me pause to think.

"Okay? Then what do I do once I'm there?" I pause.

"Can I really face her?" I ask myself.

"I don't know, Dee! I'm not your brain. Do whatever you think is right."

"Ugh" I groan in frustration, burying my face in the pillow.

"I wanna dieee" I dramatically screamed against the pillow, earning me a smack in the head from Rhi.

"You're so dramatic." she says. "God, you really woke me up for this?"

"Partly yes, buttt.." I pause, sitting up. "You also said you were gonna tell me something early this morning. Hello? Have you forgotten?"

She momentarily pause, remembering. "Oh that." she mumbles.

She blinks a few times, shoulders tensing.

"That was nothing."

My brows scrunched, studying her. She was looking away, seemingly thinking. Her face painted with a hint of hesitation and cautiousness.

I squint my eyes, suspiciously. "Rhi, are you not telling me something?"

She fidgets, biting her lip, having an internal battle.

I raised my brows expectantly, patiently waiting for an answer.

"Fine." she sighs, finally speaking. "But promise me you won't freak."

I blink, suddenly feeling anxious on what she's about to say. "Okay?" I muttered.

Taking a deep breath, she dropped the bomb.

"Celeste called."

I froze, feeling a cold wave wash over me. I felt sudden light-headedness as I try to process Rhian's words. Celeste, the person I had tried all these years to forget, had resurfaced after years of silence.

I open my mouth to try saying something, but nothing was coming out.

"Hey" I hear Rhian's voice as she gently touch my back. "You okay?"

I nod, finally able to think. "Yeah" I mumble, barely above a whiper.

I cleared my throat, eyeing Rhian. "What did she say?"

Rhian hesitated for a moment, before speaking. "She asked how things were." she continues, voice barely audible. "And how you were doing."

I couldn't help a humorless chuckle from coming out of my mouth with a hint of bitterness. "Now, she suddenly cares?"

"She always cared, Dee. You just shut her out completely. She couldn't reach out to you." Rhian spoke, gently.

"I know. But that isn't that point." I pause, frustrated. "Why now? She had the chance to reconnect all these years."

Rhian shrugs, reflecting the same confusion in my face. "I don't know. Maybe....she was too guilty to face you, so when you cut her off, she just flee."

"But now she's back." I mumble, starting to absorb everything.

Rhian slowly nods, looking down. She reached for my hand, gently rubbing it.

"It's gonna be fine, honey. I know that what she did was unforgivable but maybe she just wants to reconcile. Just try giving her a chance." she says, looking at me with pleading eyes.

I knew how much Rhian and Max cared for Celeste. We were all so inseparable, being there for each other from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs.

Until that incident happened.

Everything changed after that.


She tried reaching out to me for months, but I wouldn't let her. So, she just flee. Never to be seen again.

"I don't think I can be friends with her after everything, Rhi. I'm not stopping you and Max from reconciling with her. But please just leave me out of it."

Rhian's face fell, a hint of sadness in her eyes. But despite her disappointment, she nods, full of understanding.

"Of course." she softly says, pulling me into a tight hug.

I close my eyes, savoring her comforting warmth. I feel tears welling up my eyes as I couldn't help replaying everything in my mind. How hurt I was. How betrayed I felt. Rhian and Max kept me afloat. They kept me from drowning completely.

God, what would I do without them.

"Thank you, Rhi." I mumble against her neck. She gives the top of my head a peck in response.

"So, what will you do about Ann?" she suddenly spoke, wanting to change the heavy atmosphere. 

I smile at the mention of Ann, feeling so much better all of a sudden.

"I think I know what to do." I say, smiling.

I guess it's time to book a ticket.


magsitabi kayo lilipad na si dora sa thailand gamit ang natcos.


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