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grabe ang ayudas nila ano for today. parang mga ano tong mga to. pag ako talaga na-ano, maaano to sakin


I just landed in Bangkok, and was feeling so ecstatic as everyone showers me with so much love.

The first time I saw my mom, I couldn't stop myself from being emotional. I hugged her so tightly, realizing how much I missed the warmth of her embrace.

She has always been my safe place, and my best support system. Seeing her took everything in me to brush off the urge of telling her everything about Michelle and all my frustrations.

Once we got home, everyone surprised me with a welcome back party. Laughter and chatter filled the air, as I spend a lot of fun time catching up with friends and family.

At least I'll get to brush Michelle off my mind for a moment.

But that was instantly jinxed when I felt my phone vibrating, interrupting me in the middle of talking to my friend. I already knew even without looking that it was Michelle calling.

I just stare as it rings for the nth time today until it stops. She has been trying to call me since our last conversation last night, and I've been ignoring all of it.

My friend noticed my distraction.

"You can answer it," she said gently. "It's okay."

I shook my head, brushing it off. "No, it's fine. It's not that important. Anyways, where were we?"

Hours melted away as I desperately tried to avoid any thought of Michelle. Just as I settled onto the sofa, resting, a familiar voice calls out.

Irfan, my childhood friend, his grin as warm as ever.

A sudden relief washed over me, seeing him as a perfect distraction.

"Heyyy!!" I grin, pulling him into a hug. "How have you been? It's been a while!"

He beams at me, smiling. "Good. I see you've been doing great, so far!"

I nod, sighing. "It's been wild."

"Fancy a drink?" he says, offering me a cocktail. I smile, gladly taking it.

We sit on the sofa just talking and talking for hours. We haven't seen each other in a while and there's a lot of stuff to catch up on.

"So, have you been seeing anyone?" he suddenly asks, making me shift in my seat.

My mind instantly drifted to Michelle, a silent "no" forming on my lips.

He smiled, sensing my hesitation. "Why not?"

I shrug my shoulders, not really interested on the topic. "I'm just not."

He chuckles, nodding. "Okay. Cool."

"Why? You asking me out?" I tease, sipping from my glass. 

He laughs, looking at me playfully. "Maybe."

"Okayy I was joking." I suddenly say, rolling my eyes.

"Ouch" he playfully says, holding her chest, acting hurt.

I suddenly feel my phone vibrating again. I checked and it's a seventh text message from Michelle.

If you'll continue to ignore my messages, I'm flying to you right now.

She can't be serious. Maybe she's just saying that to trick me.

I brushed if off, dropping my phone, choosing to continue ignoring her. I feel bad for ignoring her calls and texts, but I just can't seem to figure out what to do just yet. Our argument last night keeps replaying in my head like a broken record.

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