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I woke up with a loud banging noise. Startled, my eyes flew open, seeing Michelle who's sitting beside my lying frame, flashing me a worried gaze.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I just dropped something." she mutters, reaching something from the bed side table.

Gently brushing my hair, she softly spoke. "Go back to sleep, love."

I groan, clutching my pillow tighter. "What time is it?"

"About 7am" she replies, laying back to snuggle beside me.

I was about to fall back asleep when I feel her snake her arms around me, giving my hair a light peck.

"You smell so good." she mumbles, her breath tickling my ear.

Fighting back a smile, I let out a hum. "Stop it tickles"

She giggles, playfully biting my ear.

"Michelle!" I gasp, slapping her lightly.

She just laughs, snuggling in my neck.

"So clingy." I mumble. "How could I go back to sleep now with your annoying ass."

"You love it." she says, and I feel her smiling against my neck.

I really do.

Amidst our laughter, a knock on the door interrupted. Michelle groaned, reluctantly getting up to answer it. Rhian stood there, crossed arms.

"When was the last time you slept in your own room?" Rhian teases.

Michelle chuckles, rolling her eyes. "What is it, Rhi?"

"Someone's down there for you. Work-related, I think."

"Okay." Michelle nods, looking over to me, gesturing that she'll be back. I mouthed an "okay".

"Wait..." Rhian spoke, gripping Michelle's arm as she was about to walk out.

Michelle flashes her a questioning gaze.

"Just want to let you know that I invited Celeste. Just to talk about everything and stuff."

Everything? What does she mean by everything?

I see Michelle tensing for a moment, briefly locking gaze with me. I just looked down, not wanting her to see the uneasiness I feel whenever Celeste gets brought up.

What is Michelle not telling me. I feel like an outsider in this damn house. I hate this feeling.

She pauses for a moment before slowly nodding. "Okay." she could only say, before walking her way downstairs. 

I was about to lay back in my bed to go back to sleep when I hear Rhian spoke. "Hey"

Stunned, I turn to her. "Hi" I quietly reply.

She pauses for a moment, standing awkwardly by the door. "Can I come in?"

This feels like a deja vu moment. I suddenly felt hesitant, remembering how our last conversation went.

"Sure" I blurt out, despite my uncertainties.

Closing the door gently, she took a seat across from me, and a heavy silence enveloped us.

"I just want to apologize for what I said," she finally spoke, breaking the silence. "I realize now how wrong it was. You didn't deserve that."

I look at her quite stunned by the unexpected apology. Also because I understood where she was coming from, and she wasn't really lying. I got that coming.

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