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Ann and I have been chilling in our room for a while after the Melissa thing. Ann wouldn't stop nagging me since.

"Psst psst talk to me." she nags, poking my side to get my attention.

"Quiet. I need peace." I reply, as I continue to scroll through my phone.

She pouts, slumping her shoulders. "Such a mean roomie."

I lightly smile, not replying to shut her up so I could focus on what I'm doing.

I hear her talking and talking about something but I couldn't absorb anything that she was saying. I just let her talk and talk, nodding from time to time to pretend that I'm listening.

"Micheleee!!!" she suddenly screams in my ear, startling me so much I almost dropped my phone.

I glance at her, eyes widened in shock. "What!"

She just laughs at my reaction.

Luh baliw talaga.

"My God, Anntonia."

"You deserve that. You weren't listening to what I was saying!" she whines, rolling her eyes as she goes through her phone.

"I was!" I lied.

"Boooo! You were not!"

"Whatever." I say, going back to my phone as silence finally envelopes us.

After a while, I suddenly got too bored and decided that it was my time to start nagging Anntonia now.

I dropped my phone, glancing over her. "Psst psst." I called.

"Quiet. I need peace." she says, with a mocking tone.

I chuckle. "Stop copying eveything I say challenge failed."

She makes a face, eyes still glued to her screen.

I dramatically sigh. "What are you even doing there? Give me attention!! I'm gonna listen this time. I promise." I say, peeking at her phone, which she immediately hid from me once I did so. But it was a little too late because I was already able to take a peek of what she was doing.


I squint my eyes in suspicion as I eye her. "Are you stalking Riri's ig?"

She lets out a humorless laugh, looking at me with a defensive expression while she tightly grasps her phone close to her chest. "Noo?!"

"I saw it, Ann!"

She dramatically rolls her eyes. "Well, you should probably get your eyes checked. Because I was not."

Is she gaslighting me...or delulu lang ako.


Di ko na nga ipipilit baka magalit pa hmp. Porket alam niyang tiklop ako sakanya grr.

But really tho, why would she be stalking Riri's ig? Is she really that curious?

"Did you say something to me last night?" she suddenly spoke, interrupting me from my thoughts.


"I just remember something. But it's so vague."

"Did I?"

She stirs a little, meeting my gaze. "Did you?" she replied, brows raised as she awaits for my reply.

I smile, shrugging. "I don't know. Maybe I don't remember it too."

She squints her eyes, suspiciously. "Liar."

I chuckle. "Whatever, Anntonia." I pause. "You're really cute when you're drunk tho. I didn't know you can sleep while standing." I say, stifling a laugh as I remember the image of her last night.

Her nose scrunch as she thinks. "I don't remember that." she says, blushing lightly.

"Don't worry it's cute. It's like a hidden talent."

"That's so embarassing." she pauses.

"Thanks for taking care of me last night." she adds.

"Didn't really have much of a choice. You were such a pain."


"It's true. You were even sleeptalking and giggling in your sleep."

"I was not." she says, making me chuckle.

"How would you even know you weren't?" I pause. "You tried kissing me too."

She stiffens, eyes wide as she sits up abruptly looking at me with startled expression.

"I was kidding." I say, stifling a laugh, which made her shocked expression morph into irritation.

"You're so annoying." she says, crossing her arms as she looks at me intently. "Are you serious?"

I looked back, battling between telling the truth or not. If I tell her the truth, she would ask what happened next after that, and there's no way in hell I'm gonna tell her the rest of how that night went.

Before I even realize it, I was nodding. "It's a joke, Ann." I pause. "Why would you even try kissing me in the first place? I'm your roomie remember?"

I mentally roll my eyes, remembering the night of the Miss Universe skin care event and the things she said. She can get so defensive whenever I confront her and I'm starting to feel that I'm just assuming things.

She sighs, slumping her shoulders as she goes back to her phone. "Whatever."

I sigh, suddenly feeling tired. I scoot closer to her, resting my head on her shoulder.

I close my eyes, enjoying the warmth.

I feel her subtly kiss the top of my head, snaking her arms around mine.

"Now I got your attention?" I say, fighting back a smile.

"Shut up." she mumbles, almost smiling.

"I'll miss this." I mumble, on the verge of falling asleep.

"Me too." I hear her say.

I glance at her from the corner of my eye as I thought about my feelings and how I'm finding it harder and harder to keep my emotions at bay. The intimate and gentle things that I share with her, as well as the quiet moments is becoming too much for me to bear. I just want to stop pretending anymore.


Night time came a.k.a our last night together as roomies. Which is quite sad.

I was already curled on my bed, when I noticed Ann staring at me as she comes out of the bathroom.

"Just get in here." I say, already knowing what she wants to say before she even speaks.

She smiles, climbing next to me. Silence envelope us as we feel each other's warmth.

"What time will you be leaving?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"5am." she murmurs tiredly. "Why?"

"You better wake me up and say goodbye."

She chuckles. "Like you'll actually wake up. You don't even budge in the morning."

"Hey. I will. I bet you, I will."

"Great that's a bet then."

I smile. "Okay."

She smiles back. "Okay."


wag na kayo umalis ng mexico fls 😭

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