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oh semi-fluff muna bago sakitan ulet.



Our whole plane ride was silent. I tried talking to Michelle, but she looked like she wasn't in the mood to talk at all, so I just chose to keep my mouth shut.

As the wheels touched down, Michelle's phone pressed against her ear. "We just landed, honey," she murmured, voice soft. Though I couldn't hear the other line, I instantly knew it was "wifey."

I ignore the weird feeling in my stomach, as I focus on grabbing my luggage instead.

"No, it's fine," Michelle continued. "I've called Max for the car. Just stay there. I'll be home soon."

She bids goodbye, ending the phone call. As I reached for my bags, one slipped from my grasp. Panicked, I lunged for it, nearly losing my balance. Before I could fall, Michelle was quick to grasp my arm, steadying me.

"I got it." I hear her low voice against my ear, taking some of my bags from my hand.

I mumble a "thanks" as we walk towards the plane exit.

As we approached the airport exit, we came to an abrupt halt when we saw a crowd of people starting to form outside. There were also some press waiting around, and I could already take sight of their cameras flashing despite us being a few feet away from them.

How the hell did they know we were coming?

I suddenly felt overwhelmed by the sight awaiting us. I didn't think much about this, and everything happened too fast for me to even have time to prepare myself. Though I've been used to getting this much attention ever since I got home, it feels odd and overwhelming in an unfamiliar environment.

I instinctively reach for Michelle's arm, wanting to desperately find comfort.

She feels my distress, as she gently grabs my hand, squeezing it lightly. "Just stay close." she soothingly whispers against my ear, instantly making my pounding heart beat slow down.

We continued walking towards the sea of people, the shouting and flashing becoming more intense in our every step. I wave at the people shouting my name, smiling as I feel their warm welcome. We stop for photos for a while, but Michelle was in such a hurry, wanting to go home as fast as possible, so we didn't get to entertain much people. She apologized to the fans and rushed me towards a waiting car.

As I enter the backseat, she lowered my head, gently touching it. "Watch your head." she whispers, her other hand lingering on my lower backside.

Relief washed over me as I sink into the backseat.

"Oh hi!" A woman sitting on the driver's seat greets me with a friendly high voice. She's smiling at me, her hair brown, loose with natural waves. She must be Max.

I return the smile. "Hi! You must be Max. I'm Anntonia." I greet, shaking her hand.

I feel Michelle settling down beside me, as she closes the door with a light force.

"Don't worry. I already know you. Too much, actually." she chuckles, looking at Michelle with a knowing look. I see Michelle give her a warning gaze.

Max chuckles in reply, pulling Michelle in for a tight hug.

"How's Rhi?" Michelle asks, changing the subject. She lets go of the hug, handing me a bottle of water.

I mumble a thanks, gently grabbing it.

How does she always know when I'm thirsty? Is she a telepath or something?

"Ayun, lugmok." Max replies, then pauses, turning to face us with a playful grin. "Ano ako driver niyo? Diyan talaga kayo pareho sa likod?"

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