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edi wag 🤭🤷‍♀️


I was almost on the verge of falling asleep when we finally arrived.

Walanghiyang traffic sa Pilipinas.

"We're here!" Max announces as she turns off the engine.

Anntonia shifts beside me, stretching a little, as she looks around the outside view from inside the car.

I still can't believe that she thought about coming with me impulsively. I even argued with her against it, but she was so persistent. She really wanted to come, and I hope she doesn't regret her decisions later on.

"Ready?" I say, smiling lightly as I watch her scan the area. She looked hesitant for a second, looking quite doubtful all of a sudden. But she just flashed a huge grin at me as she nods.

I step out of the car, helping Ann with her luggage.

"Do you need help with those, Dee?" I hear Max shout from quite a distance.

"No, it's fine. We got it." I reply, balancing the bags in one hand so I could hold Ann's hand on the other.

Max held the door open as we entered.

"Honey, I'm home!" I shout, as I always do. I hear heavy footsteps from upstairs, as I put down the baggages I'm holding to the side.

I walk towards the living room, near the stairs, still having Ann by my side as I finally see Rhian coming down. Her evidently tear-stained face lighting up when she saw me.

"Wifey!!" she squeals, running to pull me into a tight hug. "I missed you."

I feel her starting to get emotional while hugging me, and I rub her back to calm her down.

"Missed you too, honey." I whisper against her ear, as she releases me from the hug.

She wipes her tears, looking at me with sad eyes. I brush her hair, gently rubbing her shoulder.

"How are you doing?" I ask and she just shakes her head, sniffing.

"He's an asshole." she replies, looking like on the verge of tears again. I pull her into another hug to stop her from crying.

"It's okay. Just tell me everything later, yeah?" I soothe, rubbing her back.

I feel her nod. "I'm really glad you're here na." she says, voice muffled.

"Me too." I pauses, letting of the hug as I wipe her tears. "Okay, stop crying na. Ikain na lang natin to. Have you eaten?"

She shakes her head, eyes suddenly shifting from me, as she notices Ann standing behind me.

Ann forces a smile, giving her a small wave. "Hi" she greets, voice low.

Rhian blinked a few times, eyes laced with confusion before she turns to me with a questioning look. I mentally face-palmed when I realize that I'd forgotten to mention that Ann will be coming with me. I only mentioned it to Max. 

Rhian was so upset when she saw the pictures, calling me from the party and urging me to come home. She knew how hurt I would be and expected me to cut ties with Anntonia, so her being here with me now, really sparks a lot of confusion to her. I fear I've got a lot of explaining to do later. 

"I'll tell you everything later. I promise." I whisper, giving her a reassuring nod.

Rhian faced Anntonia, her expression hardening slightly. "Rhian." she said, hesitantly extending her hand to shake.

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