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sarreh nabusy 😄👊

miss niyo naman ako masyado charot


I lock eyes with her. For the first time in years.

All the air is sucked out of the room, and I'm paralyzed. My heart pounds so hard, it feels like it's about to burst out of my chest.

She's here. Truly here.


My Celeste.

For a moment, everything else fades away. I want to run and hug her tightly. Then, something snaps inside me. Flashbacks of betrayal and all the pain she caused flood my mind. Suddenly, my heart is consumed by burning anger.

I feel everyone's gaze fall into me. Waiting for me to say something. Waiting for what I'm about to do. But I'm frozen, unable to move or speak.

Suddenly, I lock eyes with Anntonia. She looks at me with a hint of confusion and worry. And I want nothing but to fall into her arms and hide.

"Michelle" Celeste speaks, her voice barely above a whisper.

My heart skips a beat. A nostalgic pang resonates through me as soon as I hear her say my name.

She takes a step forward, and I instinctively step back. I look at Rhian, giving her a knowing look. She instantly steps in front of me, shielding me from Celeste.

"Celeste, why would you come here without a warning?" Rhian finally speaks, her voice low.

Celeste tenses up, looking suddenly guilty. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see how you guys were doing and—"

"Oh, we're doing fantastic, Celeste! Glad you actually cared about asking after all these years." Max cuts her off, a sarcastic smile on her lips.

Celeste's features harden, looking defensive. "You cut me off. You didn't even give me a chance to explain myself!"

"Explain yourself?" Rhian interjects, letting out a sarcastic chuckle. "What else do you need to explain, Celeste? You cheated, remember?"

My stomach turns, and I feel like throwing up.

I look at Ann, seeing her jaw drop, eyes widened in realization as if connecting the dots.

I want to run, to flee. The room suddenly feels suffocating.

Celeste's jaw clenches, eyes filling with anger. "I didn't cheat. I told you I was drunk! Blacked out! How would I—"

"You shouldn't have come here." I finally manage to speak.

I don't think I could bear hearing any more of her bullshit.

She freezes, her anger turning into pleading. "Michelle, please. I just want to talk to you."

I feel Ann's hand brushing mine, silently telling me she's here for me, despite her confusion. I gently squeeze her hand in response.

Celeste's gaze drops to our intertwined hands. Her change in demeanor is evident. Her longing expression turns into betrayal and pain.

"I think you should go," I speak, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Michelle, please."

"Celeste, I don't think it's a good time. Please." Max says, gently reaching over Celeste's arm.

"Just go, Celeste," Rhian whispers, looking at her with a pleading expression.

Celeste hardens for a moment, having an internal battle, before her gaze falls back to Ann and me. She stares at our hands with resentment.

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