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I woke up with a god awful headache. I feel like my head is being split into two.  God.

I groan, rolling on the other side of the bed. I tried to fall back asleep but my headache just keeps getting worse. I opened my eyes and was welcomed by the sight of Michelle sleeping beside me.

I looked around, seeing that we're already in our hotel room as moments of last night begin to re-surface in my brain. I try to remember everything but I just can't. I don't even remember going back to our room.

"Morning." I hear Michelle mumble from beside me, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Hey." I mumble, not in the mood to talk. My head hurts so much I might throw up.

She glances at me, worriedly. God, I must look so terrible. My hair disheveled and everything.

I look down, trying to hide my face from her. "You look as pretty as ever." she says, seemingly reading my mind.

She gets up, handing me a pill and a water. I looked at her with confusion. "It'll help with the hangover." she says, shrugging.

I didn't question her further and just drink the thing.

I feel her staring at me intensely while I down the whole bottle of water. I looked up at her, confused. "What?"

She blinks, seemingly not even realizing that she's staring. "Do you remember anything from last night?" she says, almost mumbling.

I pause as I try to remember, but it just made my headache so much worse so I stopped. I shake my head lightly. "Last thing I remember, I was passing out on your lap. Everything after that...blank."

Her gaze drops, looking almost sad and relieved at the same time. She takes the bottle from my hand as she forces a smile. "Okay." she plainly replies.

I watch her with suspicious gaze. "Did I do something stupid?"

She immediately shakes her head before I even get to finish the question. "Nope." she pauses. "Well, other than the fact that I had to almost carry you while we get back to our room, you're good." she chuckles, going to the bathroom.

I blush lightly.

For some reason, I'm not buying it. Why do I feel like something happened last night? My God. Am I being delusional again?

"Michelle?" I called out. I hear her hum in response from the bathroom.

"Are you sure nothing happened?" I say, remembering some bits and pieces vividly.

She didn't answer for a while before I hear a loud noise.

I get up hurriedly, checking to see what it was.

I opened the door without knocking and regretted it almost immediately because Michelle was changing her clothes, naked.

I squeal in shock before closing the door immediately, takenaback. Thank God she was facing her back on me so I didn't see anything. 


I hear her chuckle from the other side, shuffling. "Why would you open the door without knocking, Anntonia!" she says, giggling.

God. I'm blushing so hard right now.

"Why wouldn't you lock it in the first place!" I argue.

"Plus, I heard a noise. I thought you fell again or something!" I ramble, as the door opens.

And there I saw her fully-clothed this time, looking at me with teasing eyes.

"Just say you want to see my sexy body and go." she says, making me blush even harder.

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