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Muffled chitchattings were the first thing I heard as I started to wake up. My eyes still closed as I try to reach for my phone to check the time.


Who the hell is up this early?

I silently groan, slightly opening my eyes to see who it was.

And there I saw Michelle and Melissa laughing as they converse, sitting on Michelle's bed.

Are they really bonding as early as now?

That's so annoying.

"Could you be any louder?" I whine, making the two of them stop, both of them turning their heads in my direction.

"Hey!! Goodmorning!" Michelle greets, with a grin.

I frown, brows scrunched. "It's so early. How are you up?"

"We're just catching up with each other. And I couldn't go back to sleep so I texted Melissa to see if she was awake." Michelle explained, grinning at Melissa.

A pang of irritation hits me in the gut.

Why didn't she just wake me up then? I would've gladly gave her my company. 

Why Melissa?

Melissa over me? Really?

"Yeah. Good thing I'm an early birdy." Melissa chuckles.

I couldn't help rolling my eyes as I snuggle back in my pillow. "Whatever."

I hear Michelle chuckle, whispering to Melissa. "Don't mind her. She's mostly like that during mornings. Grumpy before coffee."

"I heard that." I flatly spoke, irritated, making the both of them laugh in chorus.

So annoying. 

I closed my eyes, trying to fall back asleep but I keep hearing their giggles every once in a while, making me feel more and more annoyed.

They seem to be enjoying each other's company too much. Too much.

Good for them, I guess *eyeroll*

I reluctantly opened my eyes, giving up. I stood up, going straight to the bathroom, ignoring both of them.

I washed my face with cold water before brushing my teeth. When I finished, I saw Michelle sitting alone on her bed.

"Where's Melissa?" I ask with brows scrunched, genuinely curious. 

"I told her we can just continue talking later. I thought we were disturbing you for being too loud." she pauses. "I'm sorry. You can go back to sleep now if you want." she says, smiling apologetically. 

"Bit late for that." I pause, fixing my robe. "Breakfast?"

She smiles, standing up as she grabs my hand. "Come on."


"Hey you two up for a few shots in our room?" Melissa knocks on our door, grinning mischievously.

Michelle looks at me for approval, as I blankly stare back.

Am I?

I don't even know.

I keep having this weird feeling of slight irritation whenever I see Michelle and Melissa so close.

Sometimes, they even seem closer than Michelle and I. It makes me sad.

"Psst. Are you?" Michelle spoke, poking me lightly, interrupting me from my thoughts.

She was almost looking at me with her ever adorable puppy eyes as she waits for my answer.

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