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I am sitting with some other delegates in the hotel lobby as I wait for Ann who's being interviewed by the press.

I'm so hungry and I really want to go back to our room, but Ann is the one holding our key, so I have no choice but to wait for her.

I hear chitchatting from a short distance and I looked up from my phone, seeing that it was Ann talking to someone.

She walks over where we were when she finished. "Thank God. I've been waiting for a decade." I dramatically says.

She rolls her eyes, collapsing beside me to sit. "Drama queen." she mumbles before looking over the other delegates sitting with us. "Hey guys" she greeted, waving.

They greeted back, with a smile.

"Not as much as you are."

"I may be more dramatic, but you're more annoying so I guess that makes us even." she argues, smiling sarcastically. 

I dramatically gasped, smiling. "Rude."

I felt the glances of the other delegates on us, so I decided it was time to go.

"Come on. I wanna go back to our room." I say, looking at her who's playing with her phone.

"Just a second." she replies, not looking up.

I sigh, poking her cheek. "But I'm so hungry."

"You're always hungry."

"Please." I whine

"This will be quick I promise."

I pout, reluctantly shutting up and waiting for her to finish.

After a few moments, she was still busy with her phone so I went back to nagging her again. "Anntoniaa"

"Michellee" she mockingly replies, eyes still glued on her screen.

I make a noise of slight irritation, narrowing my eyes slightly as I gently grab her phone.

"Hey!" she yelps, finally looking at me.

I got the attention, of not only Anntonia, but the other delegates as well as they throw glances our way.

"Oh, so now I have your attention." I playfully says, smiling.

She groans, grabbing her phone back. "God, I'm gonna kill you one day."

I raise my eyebrows in amusement, smiling. "Looking forward to it, babe."

She faintly blushed, rolling her eyes.

"Ugh fine. Let's go" she sighs in defeat finally standing up, leading the way.


"Bye guys! See ya later" she called out, waving at the other delegates as she was walking away.

I smiled at them as well, waving a goodbye as I grab my stuff.

They waved goodbye back as I go.

"Are they always like that?" I hear Miss Lebanon whisper, as I was about to walk out.

I saw Miss Colombia, shrug at the corner of my eye. "It's their twisted way of flirting. Let them be." I hear her whisper back, chuckling.

I looked down, trying not to blush as I eavesdrop.

"Hello? Are you coming or what?" I hear Anntonia calls out from quite a distance, startling me lightly. 

I shuffle, as I try to compose myself back. "Sandali I'm coming!"

I walked faster, as I try to catch up on her. The other delegates' exchange still in mind.


I finally got to eat, and now brushing my teeth to prepare for bedtime. Anntonia, on the other hand is fixing her bed, changing her bedsheet.

A faint knock interrupts.

Anntonia was nearer to the door so she automatically walks over to open it.

"Guess who's heree!!"

A familiar voice echoes.

I hear Anntonia's scream mixed with excitement and shock, making me look over who it was.

Oh my God it's Melissa!

I gasped in shock, face breaking into a grin. "Oh my God!!!"

"How are you here!" Anntonia speaks, giving her a tight hug.

She walks in the room, giving me a hug as I still hold my toothbrush in my right hand.

"Ahhh I missed you guys!!" she shouts, hugging me tighter.

"What are you doing here!!! I thought you were still in El Salvador!" I say, voice muffled with toothpaste in my mouth.

I hear Anntonia chuckle, patting me lightly. "Go wash in there first for Christ sake."

"Sorry I got excited." I say, walking to the bathroom to rinse my mouth.

"I wanted to surpise you guys." I hear Melissa say from across the room.

I walked back to them after I finish rinsing. They were sitting in bed, conversing.

"I really wanna catch up with you guys but it's so late and I'm kinda tired. So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" she says, standing up.

I nod, smiling. "Of course. Rest up, honey." I say, as she reaches in for another hug.

"So happy to see you again, Michelle."

"Me too." I say smiling. I break the hug as she bids goodnight to us.

"Wow, you missed her a lot didn't you?" I hear Anntonia speaks as Melissa walks out, looking at me with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Yeah kinda. It's been like days since I last saw her so."

She shrugged her shoulders, collapsing in her bed.

"Didn't know you guys are that close." she flatly says, snuggling her pillow.

I lay on my own bed, sighing in relief. "Yeah. She's really cool. We got to bond a lot in El Salvador. I really like her."

Anntonia raised her brows, amused with a slight frown. She slowly nods.

"Anyways, let's get some sleep." I say, turning the light off. "Goodnight! Sweet dreams, mommy."

"Night." I hear her say.

Luh wala manlang sweet dreams.

"No 'sweet dreams, daddy'?" I frowned, pouting

"Ugh. Sweet dreams, daddy." she nonchalantly replied.

I smiled.

Cute pa rin kahit tunog napilitan hihi


#FlorDee in da house? HAHAHAHHA

last forda day. pasalamat kayo lab ko kayo.

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