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I'm finally home.

Finally, finally.

I can't even describe how happy my heart feels right now. The insane amount of love and support that I've gotten from everyone have been so overwhelming.

I sink into my bed, hugging my sheets with closed eyes, savoring the warmth and comforting embrace after such a long day of catching up with friends and family.

I was about to fall asleep until I hear a knock on the door, waking me.

"Come in." I groan, voice strained.

The door opens and it was Riri and Max holding glasses and a bottle of alcohol.

Jusko. Ang mga lasinggera.

"Don't even think this day would end without us getting drunk." Rhian giddily spoke, handing me a glass, as Max pours the bottle.

I groan, chuckling, as I reluctantly sit up from my comfortable position. "My God. Let me rest!"

Max chuckles, taking a sip from her glass. "Not a chance! You have utang pa kaya samin."

I looked at them with confusion, brows raised. "Huh?"

I make eye contact with Rhian who gives me a knowing look.


She raised her brows, waiting for me to start talking.

"Is this about the Ann thing?" I muttered, suddenly feeling sad at the thought of her. I know she was hurt last night, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Duh?" Rhian replied, making herself comfortable on my bed as she settles in. "Come on honey. We need details."

"What do you even wanna know?"

"Everything!" Max exclaimed.

I eye them, hesitant. 

"Come on. Have you talked to her? Have you told her about it? What happened!" Rhian ranted, impatiently wanting me to speak.

I looked down, fidgetting, suddenly feeling lightheaded by the thought of last night.

"I did talk to her." I say, with a low voice.

"Okay? And..?" Max butts in.

"How'd it go?" Rhian spoke.

I looked at them with a knowing look, shaking my head lightly.

"Not well." I pause, sighing. "I ended up pushing her away. Just like I always do." I say, gaze dropping as I realized how disappointed she must've felt.

They stare at me for a moment, looking at me with empathy. "I'm sorry, honey." Rhian says, reaching for my hand.

I forced a smile, chugging my glass in one shot, suddenly feeling the urge to get drunk.

"You know you can always try again." Max says, refilling my glass. "Just try opening up little by little. Baby steps, Deedee."

Rhian nods, in agreement. "She's right."

I sigh. "What if she just grows tired of me soon?" I spoke, feeling sad as I thought about Ann growing tired of my ass. The thought makes me wanna curl up and die.

"Don't say that." Max says.

Rhian shakes her head, eyeing me with assurance. "Don't be so nega. She won't, okay?" she pauses, reaching for my hand. "And no matter what happens, we'll be here for you anyways. No matter what."

I smile, suddenly feeling emotional. There's just so much stuff that happened today and I can't help but feel overwhelmed by all these emotions I'm feeling. I'm so thankful that I have these two girls in my life. I missed them so much. My support system. My constants.

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