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I'm in my room, just finished changing my bedsheets when I hear a knock on the door.

It was Anntonia, blanket hooded over her head.

"Hey, pretty" I greet, letting her come in. She walks in, sprawling on my bed.

I just watch her, lightly smiling, arms crossed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm bored." she spoke, her voice muffled by the pillow.

I let out a chuckle, laying beside her. She adjusts her position, resting her head on my shoulder as she reaches for her phone.

A knock comes and the door opens. It was Rhian, taking a peek.

"Honey, Ruru is nagyayaya to his house for his birthday. Do you have other plans?"

Talk about timing.

"Wala naman." I say shaking my head.

"Okay, be ready. We'll be leaving in an hour." she says before closing the door.

I turn over to Anntonia, who's still on her phone, looking so focused. "Psst do you wanna come?"

"Huh?" she mumbles, distracted.

"Birthday party of my friend. Do you wanna come?"

She just shrugs, still on her phone. "Sure."

Ano bang ginagawa nito sa phone niya? Hmp.

"What are you even doing there?" I mumble, taking a peek on her phone, hearing a familiar "tasty" sound.

Naknampucha nag-cacandy crush lang pala.

I stifle a laugh, throwing my head back. "You're just playing candy crush all this time, really? That's more interesting than me?"

"So oa" she spoke, glaring at me.

I snap my head at her, stunned.

Where the hell did she learn that term?

"Who taught you that?"

She just shrugs, smiling. "Secret."

"Dee, kumilos na kayo. I can hear your landian pa diyan." I hear Rhian spoke from the outside, interrupting us.

My God, basag much?

"Okayy" I mutter, reluctantly scrambling out of the bed.

Ann whines as I let go of her. "What are you doing? Come backk"

"We have to get ready, Ann. Come onnn" I say, pulling her out of the bed with a force, making her groan in protest.

"Is Celeste gonna be there?" she suddenly asks, making me pause.

I look at her, suddenly feeling hesitant at the thought of Celeste coming, not wanting what happened yesterday to happen again.

I suddenly felt like retreating. "Should we just not come?" I say.

She looks down, suddenly lost in thought before shaking her head slowly.

"It's fine, Michelle. It's your friend's birthday. No way I won't let you come just because I'm bothered by your ex being there."

"No but if you don't want to come th-"

"We're coming, love. That's final." she spoke, cutting me off. 

"Fine." I could only mumble as I give her head a quick peck.


Arriving at Ruru's house, we're greeted by a lively crowd. Anntonia and I lead the way, with Rhian and Max following closely behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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