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I wake up, head spinning and feeling like throwing up.

I reluctantly open my eyes to scan my surroundings as I feel my neck and backside straining. I gently touch it, wincing.

"Stop moving." I hear a slurring voice as I stir from my sleeping position.

I looked and saw Anntonia laying on my lap. I frown in realization as I remember passing out in Camila's bed while I was still sitting up.

Kaya pala napakasakit ng leeg ko. Hanep.

I looked over the other two and saw Camila passed out on the ground, while Melissa is sleeping cozy on her bed.

I checked the time, seeing that it's only 2:04am. My eyes feels so heavy and my entire body hurts. 

I was about to fall back asleep again when I heard Anntonia giggling in her sleep while mumbling something.

Luh baliw

I looked down at her to see if she was still sleeping or already awake and talking to me.

I poked her cheek, brows scrunched. "Huy. Are you sleeptalking or what?"

She didn't stir.

Ayan sige alak pa.

Pero bat ang cute.

I chuckle, as I find myself staring at her pretty face. I unconsciously stroke her cheek, admiring her beauty. Her features are so beautiful, looking innocent while she sleeps. I wanna put her in my pocket and carry her everywhere.

My thoughts were interrupted when I hear a sound on the floor. I looked over and saw that it was Camila. She accidentally hit a table with her foot while sleeping.

I gently tapped Anntonia's cheek to wake her up. "Psst. Wakey, mommy."

She wouldn't stir.

Is she dead or something?

"Anntoniaaa" I spoke, louder this time, making her stir a little.

She hums, brows scrunching as she reluctantly open her eyes.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Let's go back to our room. Camila needs her bed." I say, chuckling as I look over Camila who's still sleeping soundly on the ground.

She whines, hugging my waist. "But I'm so comfyy." she spoke, voice strained.

I chuckle, as I force myself to wiggle from her embrace, trying to stand up. Which I kinda regretted immediately because I stumbled as I do so, feeling dizzy all of a sudden. I held onto the bedside table as I try to shake my dizziness off, which thankfully passed as fast as it came.

I look over Anntonia who's nearly about to pass out again. "Huy don't fall back asleep. Come on. Try standing up." I say, shaking her.

She groans, reluctantly sitting up. I held her by the waist as I help her to stand up. She almost falls, but I was able to hold her steady.

She held on to my waist tightly to keep herself from falling, as we take little steps.

"Just wait here. I have to wake Camila up." I whisper, letting her hold on to the table near the bed as I let go of her to walk over where Camila was.

I crouched down to gently shake Camila awake. "Hey babes, wake up." she stirs, groaning. "Go sleep there on your bed. We're going back to our room."

She hums, opening her eyes as she tries to sit up. I help her stand up, guiding her to her bed.

"Goodnight!!" Camila spoke, slurring as she collapses on her bed.

I hurriedly went over Anntonia who has her eyes shut closed while leaning her entire weight on the table she's holding on to.

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