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mga bakla kayo bukas na sana ako maguupdate pero demanding kayo kaya ayan isaksak niyo sa baga niyo <3


I've been avoiding Michelle the whole night, and it's making me lose my mind.

I miss her so much.

I've been sitting here with Miss Colombia for quite a while now, waiting for the time we can get back to our hotel rooms, which I'm not looking forward to at all because then, I'd be alone with Michelle again.

I can't be alone with her without having the urge to say everything I feel and there's no way I can risk that.

"Hey, Michelle asked where you were earlier. Have you talked to her already?" I hear Miss Colombia say, interrupting me from my thoughts.

I blinked, forcing a smile. "Oh yeah. I have. Just recently actually. She was being annoying."

"Last time I checked you love my annoying ass." someone from behind me spoke, making me freeze.

I hear her footsteps getting closer until she has finally reached our table.

"Heyy!" Miss Colombia greeted, giving Michelle a big smile.

"Hi babes, what are you guys up to in here?" Michelle says, sitting beside me. "Hiding?" she added, meeting my gaze.

I rolled my eyes, looking down, leaving her unreplied.

"Luh attitude." I hear her mumble under her breath.

"I heard that." I say, glaring at her.

"Why are you so mean to me?" she pouts, which I found cute. But no, I'm pissed at her right now. I have to remember that.

I feel Miss Colombia's gaze moving from me to Michelle. "Are you guys okay?" I hear her say.

"Perfect. We're perfect." I immediately answered.

Michelle raised her eyebrows, looking at me with a questioning gaze. "Are we?"

"Yes. Aren't we?" I replied, looking back at her with a hardened stare.

She chuckled sarcastically. "Really? Coz last time I checked, you've been avoiding me this whole night." she replied, evidently pissed.

"I'm not. Stop assuming things."

"I'm not assuming things, woman. It's the truth." she argued back

"Woah woah woah let's chill out for a second okay?" I hear Miss Colombia spoke, breaking our silly little fight. "You guys are clearly facing a problem so I'm just gonna head out of here." she said, standing up.

No way I will be left alone with Michelle again. No way.

"Camila, don't leave come on. She's just being her usual annoying ass. This is perfectly normal." I said, trying to make Miss Colombia stay, but she's already walking away.

"Fix that mess, lovebirds. You guys are driving me crazy." I hear her say, as she walks away.

Great. Just great.

I looked over Michelle who's grinning at me so big. "Looks like we're alone again, Miss Thailand." she says. Her grin is annoying me so bad. She knows what she's doing.

"Still not talking to you." I said, playing with my phone instead.

"Come on, Anntonia. You've been avoiding me the whole night." she says. "You've punished me enough."

"I'm not punishing you."

"Then why won't you just talk to me?" she whines.

"This woman is so clueless I swear to God." I mumble under my breath.


"Huh?" I playfully mimicked, mocking her.

She rolled her eyes, putting my phone away. "Hey give that back! I was playing candy crush."

"Me don't care. Give me attention." she says, moving closer towards me, making me feel uneasy once again.

My whole body goes into cardiac arrest mode whenever she's this close. How can someone have this much effect on me?

"What do you want?" I said in a low tone.

"I want you. To talk to me, Anntonia." she says.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Don't lie. You know I hate liars."

How can I not?

I sigh. "I'm not lying."

She playfully pinched my nose. "Ang cute cute mo talaga. Ang sarap mo sapakin." she says, leaving me confused.


"Huh?" she playfully mocked me, as I did to her earlier.

"Whatever, Michelle. You're just wasting your time playing detective on me. I have nothing to say."

"But you asked me something earlier."

My shoulder tensed, remembering what I said.

"What something?" I replied, playing dumb.


"I didn't ask anything, Michelle."

"You did, Anntonia. Do you really want to play this game? Because I don't and I'm tired." she says, in full seriousness.

I sigh, looking down. "Fine. I did ask something." I pause. "But I didn't mean it. And we could just forget about it. Go on with our lives like nothing ever happened."

She looked at me like I'm some kind of crazed mental patient, while shaking her head. "Nope. Can't do that."

"Why not?"



"Because I don't want to."

"What kind of answer is that?" I say, rolling my eyes.

She was about to speak again, but I cut her off.

"Please, Michelle. Just let it go. I get it now. We're friends. We're roommates. That's what we are." I pause. "Nothing more."

She looked at me with a pained expression. And for the first time, I could read her so clearly. I silently kicked myself for saying what I just said. But before I could take it back, she held my gaze for a moment before looking away and slowly nods.

"Okay. Fine." she pause. "If that's what you want, roomie" she says, avoiding my gaze.

I feel my heart ache.

Why did you agree? You were supposed to say no.

"Okay." I say, faking a smile.

And with that, she was gone, leaving me alone.

God, I'm so stupid.


pataasan ng pride ang mga accling. ang sarap niyo sabunutan pareho hihi

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