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andaming ayuda today shet


Michelle's annoyingly loud alarm woke me up again, giving me an instant headache.

"Turn it off." I groggily mumble, covering my ears with a pillow.

But of course the woman wouldn't budge. She remains deep in her sleep, unmoved.

I groan, having no choice but to try reaching for her phone to turn it off myself, with half my eyes still closed. "For God's sake Michelle. I'm gonna murder you." I mumble to myself.

I sighed in relief once the annoying sound stops.

Thank God for peace.

I was about to fall back asleep when my own alarm goes off this time. "Oh for Christ sake." I swore, relunctantly sitting up to turn it off.

I looked at the time, seeing that it's a little early for breakfast downstairs, but there's no way I can fall back to sleep anymore so, I figured I'm just gonna start getting ready for the day.

I looked over Michelle, who's still in her dreamland despite both of our alarms coming off. I chuckled, shaking my head. I reached for my phone to take a video of her so I can show her proof the next time she denies that she wouldn't stir at her alarm.

I stood up, stretching, letting her sleep for a couple more minutes.

I went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face to wake up my system. I was about to close the door when I heard a loud noise coming from outside.

I hurriedly looked over to see what it was and was welcomed by the sight of Michelle laying on the ground, wincing.

"Aray ko po" she winced.

"What in the world happened" I spoke, with widened eyes as I try to stifle a laugh.

"What do you think!" she spoke with a high tone, still wincing while holding her hips.

I collapsed on the ground, laughing as I try to process everything. "Oh my god I can't breathe." I wheeze in between laughter.

She glared at me, face scrunched. "A little help?"

I tried to regain my balance as I stand, trying to supress my laughter. "Sorry sorry okay. Come here" I spoke, walking towards her, as I try to reach for her arm. "What the hell were you dreaming about for you to fall off the damn bed. God, Michelle." I reached for her hand, helping her stand up.

She rubbed her eyes, still looking sleepy. "I hate you."

I laughed, remembering the image of her on the ground, making her glare at me again. "I'm sorry. Okay, enough laughing." I pause, trying to compose myself. "Are you okay?"

She smiled at me sarcastically. "Thank you for your concern. It's very much appreciated."

"I hope the ground's okay." I say, laughing. She glares, unamused.

I stifle a smile. "Okay serious mode. You didn't break a bone or anything right?"

"Drama queen. I didn't die at least." she says, chuckling as she moves her way to the bathroom.

"Well, I guess that was way worse than being awaken by your annoying alarm again." I rolled my eyes, reaching for my phone.

I hear her chuckle from the bathroom. "How do you expect alarms to be! It's an alarm it's supposed to be loud!" she argues, while brushing her teeth.

"Blah blah blah it's still annoying."

I checked the time, seeing that we're just in time for breakfast. "You done yet? Let's go down for breakfast. I'm starving."

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