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I woke up feeling much better. Pano ba naman anghel bumungad sakin pagmulat ko charot.

Anntonia was facing towards me and she was still sleeping. I stood up carefully, not wanting to wake her up and be called annoying again. Lol.

"Hey where are you going?" I hear her mumble.

Ang babaw naman ng tulog ng babaeng to.

"Go back to sleep, babes. I'm just going to the bathroom."

She didn't reply back and I assumed she went back to sleep.

I heard my phone ring as I was in the bathroom, and I heard Ann's groan at the sound. "Answer it, dee"

"Hold up my gosh. I'm peeing" I hurriedly flushed the toilet as I reach for my phone, answering.

Oh it's wifey pala.

"Hiii" I answered

"Hii honeyy how are u doing na? I forgot to call last night I got busy."

"I know. I really missed u. I'm doing better now. Nakapagpahinga na. How about you, wifey?"

"We're doing good naman here. Quite busy lang sa work."

"I really can't wait to go home na."

"Me too. We all miss you here."

I hear Ann mumble, distracting me from the call. I looked at her with confusion and saw her glaring at me.

Luh inaano ko to?

"Why?" I mouthed at her, but she didn't respond, only looking at me with her signature deadpan expression.

"Sorry wifey I got distracted. Umm talk to you later?"

"Okayy. Get a lot more rest pa. Can't wait to see you again soon. Love you!"

"Love you too byeee!"

I faced Ann, who was already looking away, as I ended the call. "Hey, what's with you?" I said, poking her so she would look at me.

"Nothing. What's with you?" she replied, nonchalantly. 

Luh. Toyoin yarn?

I chuckled, pinching her nose. "Ewan ko sayo, Anntonia"

She looked at me with an adorably confused expression. "Huh?"

"Hatdog" I replied, which I regretted almost immediately because it pissed her off even more.

Hala joke lang naman eh.

Her pointed gaze intensified. "God, you're so annoying. I'll leave you to it." she says, leaving my bed and heading to her own bed instead.

Luh nagalit siya beh. Ano gagawin ko.

"Huy. I'm sorry I was just teasing you." I softly replied, giving her the puppy eyes, hoping it works.

She didn't reply, facing her back towards me.

Luh tinalikuran ako. Ang lakas ng topak neto. Mas malakas pa kay rhirhi.

"Mommy. Talk to me please. Are you mad?"

She still didn't answer, so I walked towards her bed, sitting.

"Ann, seriously what's the matter? I wanna talk." I said, trying to get a view of her face. After a while, she finally faced me with the same pissed off expression but less hardened now.

"Who was that you were talking to?" she mumbled.

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "My best friend from the Philippines. Why?"

She paused for a while before speaking.

"Nothing. I was just curious. Sorry I got pissed." she replied sheepishly, avoiding my gaze.

I was quiet for a moment before realizing. I squint my eyes at her suspiciously.

"What?" she asked once she saw my expression.

"Are you jealous?" I said, holding back a smile.

Her eyes widened, still avoiding my gaze. "What?" she lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Why would I be jealous, Michelle? Don't be crazy." she replied, rambling.

"I don't know. You tell me, Anntonia. Why would you be jealous?" I replied, smirking.

She looks at me with an unknown expression, groaning. "God, just stop talking." she replied, facing her back towards me again.

I laughed, teasingly. "Hey I'm just kidding. Stop doing that." I gently touched her arm. "Face me please. Don't hide that pretty face."

She faces me, lightly blushing.

I chuckled. "That was my best friend. We've been friends for a couple of years now. We are very close." I said laying beside her. I looked at her, waiting for a response but didn't get any.

So I spoke. "What else do you wanna know? I'll tell you anything, Ann."

She shook her head. "Nothing else. Sorry I just get moody sometimes." she said in a low tone.

I smiled, brushing the piece of hair off her pretty face. "It's okay. I'll handle your mood swings all you want."

She smiles, looking down. "I just got curious I swear. You were calling her "wifey" and stuff." she mumbles, seemingly not wanting to say what she just said.

I chuckled. "And I literally call you "mommy"! So?" I replied, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"But that's different." she mumbles. "Whatever. I just wanna sleep." she added, in a louder voice.

I hummed in agreement. "So we're okay na?"


Hala ang cold.

I raised my head to look at her, pouting. "Luh. Why did that sound so forced?"

She smiled, laughing lightly. "I'm just kidding! We're okay." she said, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I smiled and closed my eyes. And when I was about to fall back asleep I hear her whisper against my ear. "I better be your one and only mommy."


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