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tinamad ako sorna 😆👊


It's Max's birthday, and we're gearing up to surprise her at her house.

"Ann, you ready?" I call out, knocking on her door. She's been getting ready for an hour. What's taking her so long?

"Just a second," she replies from the other side. After waiting a bit, my impatient self wasn't having it anymore. I open the door and find her struggling with her dress.

"Coming in without knocking? Rude!" she mutters.

"You were taking forever, woman. Let me help you with that." I say, reaching over to help with her dress zipper.

"Thanks" she mumbles, grinning.

I smile at her, admiring her from head to toe.

Jusko, porsild

"Loving the view?" she teases.

"You look really nice." I blurt out.

She smiles, blushing lightly. "Thanks."

"Honey!! Anong oras na! We have to go!!!" Rhian's voice from downstairs echoes through the room.

"Gagalit na. Come on, are you ready?" I say, turning to Ann, who's doing a last-minute check in the mirror.

She mumbles a yes, and I pull her downstairs, where Rhian is waiting.

"My God, so tagal. You're driving ha." Rhian mutters, throwing me the key.

"Luh. Kala ko ba it's your turn." I argue but sigh in defeat since I know I don't have palag.

Reaching for Ann's hand, I pull her outside towards the car. I was about to open the passenger's seat for her when I hear Rhian grumble from behind.

"I thought I'll be your passenger princess for tonight?" Rhian speaks in a teasing tone, pouting.

Hala ang arte.

I look at Ann, and she just shrugs at me before making eye contact with Rhian, her gaze with a hint of slight irritation. Rhian responds with a smug look.

"It's fine. I'll just take the backseat." I hear Ann mumble. I was about to argue, but she quickly opens the backseat door and goes straight inside, without another word.

What's with these two?

I eye Rhian with a what's-your-problem look, and she just rolls her eyes at me. She takes the passenger seat, and I just went inside the car to avoid further arguments.

The entire ride is silent, with subtle tension I can't help but notice. My mind wanders back to Ann and I's conversation last night about Rhian saying something to her. Suddenly, the tension between them makes sense.

I eye Ann through the rearview mirror, she looks pissed off, so I decide not to start a conversation. I figured I'll just talk to her later.

"We're here!!" I giddily speak as I turn off the engine. I exit the car, opening the door for Anntonia, offering her my hand.

She mumbles a thanks, smiling lightly at me.

"You okay?" I ask, taking the opportunity. She just nods, pulling me inside.

Inside, we're welcomed by a huge crowd and loud noises.

Hand in hand with Anntonia, we scan the crowd, greeting familiar faces with hugs and small chitchats. Anntonia follows closely behind, a huge smile on her face as she receives warm greetings from new people. Seeing her with my people like this really makes me happy. She looks like she's genuinely enjoying.

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