Charles Leclerc (1)

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Charles is the leader of the biggest mafia group and he never found the true love he was looking for because of that he always made sure he was kept busy because of it, everyone was worried about him. "Boss why are you doing this to ur self." "its nothing u guys don't need to worry about me."

everyone shakes their head and feel bad. Arthur got an idea and he told everyone about it. "Charles will u please go on this blind date." "come on, u guys know I never show up to any of them there is not point." "please we are 100% this girl is the one for you" "fine but don't be surprised if I don't come home with this person."

everyone smirked and then left, Charles sighed and left his office and made his way to his room and got changed into a new set of clothes for this blind date which he hates doing. "I don't get why I even agreed to go." Charles was now in his car and leaving the house to this blind date.

when he arrived he walks into the small café and looked around to try and find this person just then he gets a notification on his phone he looks at his phone to see a photo of the girl, Charles looks up and sees the girl in the corner of the café.

Charles had made his way over to the girl and she looks up to him scared. "hi I'm Charles ur blind date." "h-hi im y/n." Charles smiled and sat down, "so how did my men find you did they threaten you or bribe you." "I am friends with one of them and they begged me to be here."

"ha they are known to do stuff like that but who was it though." "Pierre is my childhood best friend and he asked me to meet his boss but I didn't know u were there boss." "so u know who I am." "who doesn't know you though, but u don't seem like what the media portray u as though."

Charles laugh's and y/n gets a shiver down her back something about his laugh made her feel warm. "so what do u do for a living." "I work here everyday so nothing special." "huh this is ok do they treat u right here." "I can't complain since it pays the bills but I don't get treated right none of us girls do, its something we gotta live with working here."

Charles had gotten angry at this point but he didn't want to scare you so he just clenched his hands until his knuckles turned white. "I am kinda surprised that u showed up I was told by Pierre not to have my hopes high since u don't like this kind of things."

you giggle softly which made Charles smile "u have a lovely smile." y/n just smiles again and you laugh at this reaction, which made Charles go all funny. "let's go back to my place." "I can't I'm on my brake and my brake ends now and if I don't get back to work now ill lose my job I can't lose this job its the only thing that pays for everything for me."

"you don't need to worry about this job anymore and u won't need to worry about ur place ur rent has been payed already and u will live with me and the others from now on." the manager comes up to where u and Charles were and he looked at u angry, "and where do u think ur going missy ur still clocked on and u know what happens if u leave now." "I don't give a shit anymore because I quite my job and second of all u don't get to tell me what to do anymore."

"ha yea right u will never find a job with the way u look." Charles slapped the guy across the face and looked at Charles before he got scared. "u have no rights to talk to my wife like that u prick." the guy just lowered his head because everyone knew not to piss Charles off if u wanted to live but this guy won't live long so Charles just laughed.

you and Charles left the café and made your way to his car. "thanx you for that." "no need to thanx me that guy was a creep and was he the one who almost r*ped you." you nod slowly ashamed by it but then looked back up to Charles, "how did u know about it." "the day u phoned Pierre to tell him we all heard what u said." u nodded, Charles got even more angry knowing that some guy like that would do such dirty things to hurt anyone sort of girl.

"u won't need to worry about him anymore he won't be here any loner." Charles put his hand on ur shoulder and patted it gently, you look at Charles and smile. Charles got all shy all of a sudden which he has never felt before since no one made him feel like this. once they had arrived at the house they got out of the car and made their way into the house.

"we are home." everyone comes from the living room and smiles, "so I guess it went well then." Charles blushes and runs to the kitchen. "so random question why did he bring u back with him." "oh because of what my ex boss did to me." Pierre looked at you and got angry since he knew about it as well. "I'm gonna kill that bastard."

"no need to worry Pierre, Charles said he would die as we left the café I worked at." "good that bastard deserves it." Pierre hugged you and u smiled, the others were confused but didn't say anything. "so.." "ah right sorry these are the rest of crew members there are to many of them to remember."

"u guys are cool I've heard so much about you all form Pierre." "huh." "Pierre is my childhood best friend I know this one like no one else besides his other friend and his mom." "now it makes sence why ur named saved in his phone is bestie." you laugh at the response and everyone had a warm feeling run though their body and when they has seen you smile it felt like home for them.

before you could speak again your stomach grumbled and you blushed out of embarrassment and the others laughed slightly. "I will make you something to eat what would you like." "I'm not a picky eater so anything will do." "well the thing is, there isn't a room for you to sleep in at the moment since we never have gusts so u will have to bunk with one of us for now if that is fine."

"I'm not fussed I grew up around boys so I don't care about sharing a room or not." "wow u are so cool." you laugh at the response and shake ur head. "can I at least know some of your names." "Alex" "Carlos" "Esteban" "Fernando" "George" "Kevin" "Lance" "Lando" "Lewis" "Logan" "Max" "Mick" "Nico" "Nyck" "Oscar" "Sergio" "Valtteri" "Zhou"

"the guy that went into the kitchen to make food is Yuki" "oh wow 20 of you seesh." "yea we are the biggest group going." Charles was stood behind the wall listening into ur convo with everyone and was smiling, Yuki had caught him listening in. "so you like her." "yea something about her I love I don't know if its her smile or that she is badass or both."

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