Alex Albon (1)

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Lilly and Y/n are twins, y/n is a F1 driver while Lilly is professional golfer/model, even though the both of them were constant traveling the world the both of them were close and when they had time off from their hectic life they did everything together. y/n was currently in her driver's room and she had just put on her fire proofs and racing suit on and was sat on the couch waiting.

you manager walks in, "time to go." u got up and made ur way from the hospitality to the garage. u were currently talking to ur engineer Connor about the strategy for the race that u hadn't noticed that ur sister had just entered the garage, "ok so u know the plan let's win this." u nod and put on ur helmet since u all ready had ur earphones and balaclava on, u slipped into the car made sure everything was comfy,

Connor had helped u strap in before u put on ur steering wheel. u left the garage and had made ur way to the start of the grid for the formation lap. "Radio check." "Skrrt its ok." ur race engineer laugh's at u. the race had began and u went from being at 19th to 2nd. u were now doing everything u could to defend ur place and it worked.

Max was the first to get the chequered flag and u were right behind him in second. u had parked the car in the second place spot and took off the straps before u took ur steering wheel off and climb out and placed ur steering wheel back in place before u done ur cheer and ran to ur team and hugged them,

u shook hands with max before u went to get weighed. u Max and Pierre ere now on the podium listening to the Dutch anthem and the astrain anthem before u were handed ur trophies'. u raised ur trophy up and smiled, the three of u took a photo together before the champagne celebration started. u had made ur way to u driver's room to get changed, u had put on ur shorts and team's shirt before u left the room to do interview's.

after doing the interviews u had made ur way to ur car to head back to the hotel. once u got there u went to ur room and when u walked in u seen ur sister. "omg ur here." "omg u won the race." u both laugh and hugged. "when did u arrive." "I had arrived as u had crossed the finish line."

"ah ok well then let me get changed from this outfit and to a dress so we can go to my team's party." u changed into a dress u put on makeup, u just put on ur black heels to match ur dress and then u and ur sister left ur room and made ur way to the party. the both of u were by the bar drinking and looking around.

"u are lucky u drive for Redbull u get everything." "I am lucky and thankful I get to drive for them I almost lost my seat in the last season if u remember." "i know this is why im thankful as well u still get to drive."

u were currently in the gym in ur house and was punching the punching bag so much because u were angry. everyone was looking for u and had no clue on where to start. "where could she be." "try her art room she spends most of her time there." everyone had made their way to ur art room but u weren't there. everyone was looking around ur house trying to find u until Yuki had found u at the gym.

"she is over here in the gym." everyone had made their way over to Yuki and had watched u punch the punching bag. after a while u stopped and layed on the floor out of breath. "are u ok u were going crazy then." "I'm fine leave me alone." u said coldly, everyone knew not to talk so they left besides Max.

Max closed the door and locked it, u look at him and u started crying. "what's wrong." "he cheated on me with my sister." "who." "Alex he called me thinking he had called Lilly and what he said broke me." Max got angry, "is this why u were punching this bag so much." u nod, "that prick." "I might leave F1 and go to a different race program."

"hell no ur not leaving me at the team alone fuck that ur staying he will be sorry for what he done." Max pulls his phone out and Messages Kelly before looking at u. "Kelly is on her way to pick u up go wash up change into anything u feel comfy in and she will talk to u." u smile and shake ur head. "ur the best team mate I could ask for."

"am I better than everyone else though." "u and ur big fucking ego." the both of u laugh, "but yea ur better than everyone else even me." "no ur way better than I am." u laugh and left the gym. Max made his way to the other's. "is my sister ok." Max looked at Lilly and Alex with cold eyes and grabbed his hoodie before putting his shoes on and leaves.

"did I say something wrong." "no baby he is just being him self u didn't do anything." Yuki, Nyck, Lewis and Charles got up grabbed their hoodies and put their shoes on before they also left. u had also now left ur place without looking at the other's and left to go with Kelly.

everyone else was confused. "what the hell is going on." "what did Max tell them." "I don't know but we will know soon." a few days had gone by and people were confused why u had deleted every post of u and Alex on ur twitter and insta, people then started to wonder if the both of u broke up.

months had gone by and it was now the last 6 races of the season and u were sat in ur driver's room talking to Max and Kelly. "Max y/n time to race let's go." "well then we shall continue this after the race." "go show them who is boss u 2." u and Max laugh before making ur way to the garage.

the race had ended with u winning the race Max in Second and Charles were on the podium spraying the champagne. the three of u were doing interviews before heading off to the motorhome. the three of u were walking to the motorhome, "ugh finally some quite time away from everyone." "don't be so sure all drivers share this motorhome to chill out in and u know what everyone is like."

"true." the three of u enter the motorhome and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the three of you. "congrats u three." "thanx." u sat on the floor before laying down. "u ok y/n." "yea just peachy." everyone looks at Max for an explanation and he just shrugged his shoulders.

u sat up and stood up and went to get a Redbull from the fridge before opening it and chugging it down in one go. "my god y/n don't do that." "oh well I'm useless anyway." everyone was confused and just looked at you." "I am nothing but useless, controlling and clingy and I shouldn't be here so I don't give a shit." "who told u that." "ask him." u point to Alex and he looked down."

"Alex what the fuck." u left the motorhome and went to ur car and drove off. everyone was now looking at Alex waiting for a response. "I thought I had called Lilly and not y/n but I turns out I had called y/n instead and told her that she was useless, controlling and clingy thinking I was talking to her sister Lilly."

everyone was angry but just shrugged it off besides, Charles, Yuki and Max they left to go find u before u had done anything stupid, once they found u at ur hotel room laying on the bed. "we came to be with u." u looked up and smiled." "come we can watch a movie."

"Being twins is not always a good thing."

The End

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