Pierre Gasly (2)

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u and Pierre have been friends since u were born and u did everything together, the both of u went into Karting, but because of the times back then u weren't aloud to do the other karting racing and many people looked down on u because u were a female in the karting world. u hated how u were treated u never gave up though as u decided to cut ur hair short and used a different name u done everything to make sure u stayed in the karting world.

u had won the F2 very quickly and many people really liked ur talent along side Pierre so the both of u got into F1 pretty quickly, u were at Torro Rosso and Pierre went to Redbull, not even half of the season was done and u and Pierre had swapped placed in the team's. for the rest of that season u did well and made sure u were in the top 5.

a few years had gone by and Pierre had left Alpha Tauri to go to Alpine racing, u had stayed at Redbull since u had proven ur worth to the team. it was 2020 when u all were in Australia getting ready for the race there when all of a sudden u all got text messages saying the race and the rest of the season was cancelled due to covid.

ur were lucky that u shared a house with Pierre in Monaco so at least the both of u weren't going to be bord out of ur minds. u were currently in ur room using the sim u had to practise just in case u were aloud to race again. many months had gone by and that's when u all had received a text from the FIA to say that u were aloud to race again but to follow each country's Strick protocol for the virus.

also the FIA concluded that Shanghai wasn't going to ever be on the F1 calendar again for another few year's, when u and Pierre had arrived at the country u were racing in u both got tested for covid and lucky u were tested negative. when arriving at the paddock for Thursday to do the interview's u all had to do a temp check, and another test before u were aloud to go in.

it was now 2021 and everything was going fine for everyone, the season so far was going good u were always on the podium with Max either being in second or third place, the team didn't care which podium position u were in as long as u were on there. it was coming towards the end of the 2021 season and there was only 3 races left,

which were Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Abu Dhabi. you were currently in Brazil on the podium celebrating, Max was in first with Lewis in second and u were in third. after the celebration's were done u had made ur way to the hotel and got ready to sleep. the next day u were flying with Max to Qatar.

Qatar race went well for u both, Saudi Arabi went amazing and it was now the last race of the season. the race was going good for both Mercedes and Redbull, it was close to the end of the race and u were defending off Lewis as best as u could so Max could get his pitstop, once Max had left the pitstop he makes his way to where u and Lewis were and Max overtakes Lewis with ease and done the same with you,

the race ends with Max wining the race with u in second. the three of u done donuts and then made ur way to where the winner's spot was, u parked in the second place spot and removed ur steering wheel and climbed out of the car u placed the steering wheel back in it's place and then ran to ur team. u shook hands with Lewis before hugging Max. "we did it we fucking did it." the three of u were now on the podium celebrating u were crying as this moment was really special for you.

everyone was now at the Redbull party to celebrate and everyone was drunk, Lando was on the DJ set hyping everyone, u were sat down in the booth with Max, Pierre, Kelly, and Lewis, "I'm surprised ur not up on the dance floor." "I don't feel like dancing tonight." "ok then let's play a game." "sure but what though." "spin the bottle."

"hell yea, I haven't played that since high school." Pierre places the empty bottle of beer on it's side and spin's it, it lands on Kelly, "how does this work." "since the bottle has landed on u, u get to pick which one of us u would like to answer a truth or dare question." "ah ok, um, y/n do u have feelings for anyone." "yes I do." everyone is shocked and u laughed u spined the bottle and it land's on Lewis,

"are the rumours about u and someone true or are the false." "they are false." u nod and Lewis spins the bottle, many rounds later u were all drunk and the bottle had landed on you, "who is the person u like." "he is my childhood best friend I fell for him but never said anything because he had a girlfriend." Pierre look's at you shocked.

"who is it." u point to Pierre and the other's also looked shocked, Pierre stands up and picks u up and leaves. "please tell me ur not faking it." "why would I lie about it Pierre I have always liked you but ur girlfriend forced me to stay away." "so though's notes that were in my locker were from u and not her." "yea they were from me and all the things u got were from me and not her."

after a while u had arrived at the hotel and were now in ur hotel room, "why didn't u tell me either way." "ur ex said if I tried anything she would hurt me and so on." u grabbed ur PJ's and just started to undress in front of Pierre without thinking, Pierre was just stareing at you and gulped, "um y/n u do realize I am here right." "oh well."

Pierre moves closer to u and grabs ur waist and pulls u closer to him, u look at Pierre shocked, "what are u doing." "I am going to shower u with love." u blush and hid ur face in Pierre's chest, "please don't hide baby." "I'm shy." Pierre laugh's and pushes u to the bed and hover's above u, "ur so pretty my love." u blush more and try to hide but Pierre wouldn't let u.

he starts kissing ur lips and move down to ur neck to ur breasts and down to ur stomach, u moan and Pierre smirks. "u want to do more." "not tonight not while we are drunk I want to be sober." Pierre nods and kisses ur lips again before getting u, "put ur bathrobe on for now ill be right back." u nod and put on the bathrobe, Pierre leaves ur room and runs over to his room to get his PJ's and get's a shirt and shorts for u to sleep in.

once he enters ur room he hands u the clothes, u laugh at Pierre before putting on the clothes Pierre brought for u, once u done that u both climbed into bed u snuggled up to Pierre and kiss his lips, "I am happy I finally have u as mine." "I am also happy I have u as well."

The End

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