Lance Stroll (2)

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u are a 3 time world champion boxer, and u also did Street racing. u were currently going over ur usual exercise rutein before ur match, when there was a knock on ur door. "come in." "miss Perez u have guests here to see u before ur match," "who said I was having guests before my match."

the staff member moved out of the way and ur dad and a load of people walked into ur room. "dad what are u doing here I thought u weren't coming to this match because of the race prep." "FP1 & 2 was this morning so I made time to come and watch ur match, these morons wanted to join me." ur dad pointed to the other 19 driver's."

"well then hi everyone my name is Y/n." "hi y/n nice to meet you." "I am a big fan." "nice to know u are a fan." u smiled and the person just goes big eyed and smiles. "see she is only scary when she is in the ring." "well it's almost time for the match to start where are u all sitting," "we are stood up and in the back." "hell no, ur not gonna stand there the whole fight."

"JAKE." Jake comes running into ur room, "yes y/n." "take them to the VIP lounge." "yes y/n right away." Jake lead them to the VIP Lounge to watch the fight. "please take a seat and enjoy anything from the drink's fridge and snack bar and enjoy the show."

"woah this is so cool." Max open's the fridge and laugh's "well then this is my kind of fridge." "oh come on." everyone looked at the fridge, "there has to me more than Red Bull right." Checo open's the other fridge and notices the other drink's, "the rest of u ur fridge is here." everyone else went to where Checo was and grabbed their drink, "well then she must really like Red Bull if this is fully stocked." "she is sponsored by them." "huh." "y/n will explain later."

everyone was now sat down waiting for the match to begin, the first person had came out after their intro was said, ur music begins to play and everyone scream's, "everyone please welcome the three time world champion y/n." the wall opens and u walk out and everyone screams louder, after getting into the ring u done the hand shake with the opponent before going to ur side of the ring, "u got this y/n she is nothing."

a while later the match was done, u had won and now u were in ur room just finished getting changed, when there was a knock on the door, "come in." ur dad and the other's walked in. "omg u were amazing out there." "thanx you." "now let's go out and celebrate." "sorry I can't I need to head to the airport I have my next fight soon,

and I have to arrive at the next destination soon so I can get my self ready." "oh come on." "sorry everyone." "wait when is ur next day off." "I don't have one I am always busy unless the fight is cancelled." "oh ok u won't be in Mexico for my home race." "dad u know this next one will determine if I win this championship or not and I need to win."

"I know but I would of loved for u to come to our home race." "I know and I am sorry." "will u be able to come to any of our next races we have left." "I don't know I might be able to come to Texas." "wait really." "it depends on what will happen." everyone nod's, u get a message and u looked at ur phone,

" everyone nod's, u get a message and u looked at ur phone,

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"change of plans." "huh." "I have been crowned the title already." "what how." "my next fight won't happen because they chickened out after seeing today's match." u laugh and put ur phone in ur pocket, "come to this race then." u thought about it and nodded, "sure why not It's been a while since I've seen a race." just as u were about to leave ur room u got a phone call, "u guy's go ahead I just need to answer this quickly." everyone nods and went,

"Hola." "Ghost necesito que conduzcas." "Cuando." "Este fin de semana es el primer día." "No puedo" "tu pelea está cancelada, así que ¿por qué no puedes conducir?" "porque voy a ver a mi padre en su carrera en México y sabes lo importante que es esta carrera para él." "Usted no puede saltar uno de los días" "Yo no puedo cortar uno de los BECUAE del día esta raza es importante para mí y mi padre y si usted quiere ser como que yo no voy a correr por U AGAIN CON" "Usted se atreve a hablarme así." "Carajo, CONNOR CONFIDO A SU PADRE A SER PUGO"

(ENG TRANS: "Hello." "Ghost I need u to drive." "when." "this weekend is the first day." "I can't" "your fight is cancelled so why can't you drive?" "because I'm going to see my father in his race in Mexico and you know how important this race is to him." "You can't skip one of the days" "I CAN'T SKIP ONE OF THE DAY'S BECUAE THIS RACE IS IMPORTANT TO ME AND MY FATHER AND IF YOU WANT TO BE LIKE THAT I WON'T RACE FOR U AGAIN CON" "you dare to speak to me like that." "FUCK OFF CONNOR GO FIND SOMEONE TO BE UR GUINEA PIG"

after u put the phone down u left the room and made it outside and got into the car, after getting to the hotel u had packed ur thing's and went to the desk and checked out. "let's go to Mexico." "woohoo." after many hours the jet landed in Mexico, u all had made it to the hotel and in the room's relaxing. "when are we going to tell ur dad we are together." "I may or may not have already told him." "oh that's cool." "sorry Lance I know u wanted to be there when I said it but I just slipped out when I was talking to him on the phone the other week."

"baby it's ok I don't mind at least now we don't have to hide it." "we still do I do not want to tell the public yet because we need to tell ur parent's first." "I told them and they are ok with it minus that my dad had a go at me because I am dating a boxer but I don't care." u laugh and hug lance. "ok who else knows." "the whole grid they found out after the screaming match me and my dad had." u laugh more. "let's not go out tonight and just stay here." "sounds like a plan babe." "we can celebrate my victory Sunday for who ever is on the podium."

u and lance decided to do some Netflix and chill that night, Thursday u all had gone to the track to do media day, u spent that whole day with Red Bull as u were sponsored by them u weren't complaining but u would of rather be with Lance right about now but u loved how Daniel was making u laugh to make u cheer up.

that night u were laying in Lance's arms singing. "why me." "huh." "why did u pick me out of all people." "because ur the only one that caught my attention that day." "but still u could of had someone who is way better looking than I am." "u are beautiful mon amour." "I am not I have had surgery done to my nose and my ear's." "u had to get those done because of ur fights, and no matter what I will love u the same because u mean the world to my mon amour." "I know." u hide in Lance's arms and tried ur best not to cry.

it was now Sunday and u were sat in the Aston Martin Garage, many people were confused why u were there but the team kept quite and so did the driver's. the race starts. many laps later and Max won Mexico with Checo in Second and Lance in third.

u are so happy for ur dad and boyfriend. when the podium celebration was done along with the interviews, everyone had headed to the hotel and got ready for the club. u were thinking of wearing a dress but u didn't want to show the amount of scar's u had to u decided on a t-shirt, jean's and a hoodie. "mon amour why aren't u wearing ur new dress."

"my scars." "ur scars are beautiful." "no they aren't." "yes they are they show what u have been through babe, but u can wear what u want." u felt bad since Lance is wearing a suit, lance stops hugging u and goes to the wardrobe and picks out another outfit for him to wear. after changing Lance comes to u and takes ur hand. "let's go." u look at Lance to see he is wearing the same thing. "I want to match with my girl tonight." u laugh and u both headed to the club.

The End

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