Max Verstappen (5)

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u are a race engineer for Yuki and u love ur job because of the amount of times the team or the driver's would make u laugh, being Yuki's race engineer had it's perks and down side's. perk one is that u understand Yuki when he speaks Japanese since u were half Japanese and had spoke the language at home with ur mom.

the down side was that when the AlphaTauri lot did anything with Redbull u would see ur ex Max but u tend to ignore everyone anyway. it was one of though's day's were Yuki and Pierre had to do things with Max and Checo, u were talking to Yuki in Japanese so only u both could understand. "he is looking at you." u sigh and looked back to see Max quickly looking away.

"I hate this." "why did u both brake up anyway." "blame it on his dad." "of course his dad made u both brake up, but why though." "according to his dad he shouldn't date someone who isn't a high profile person." Yuki just blinks and laugh's, "u got to be joking right." "nope I am not." "fucksakes u really need to reveal who u are because then everyone will bow to you."

"I was thinking of it anyway I am fed up of people thinking I slept with people to get where I am." "good because I want to watch how everyone's face drop when they realize who u really are." you laughed and everyone looked at u and Yuki and shook their head's, "I love her laugh." "she is perfect for Yuki if they do date." "now why would she do that." "well u never know." "na I think she will end back with her ex." "which one." "Jay." "no she said it her self she will never go back to him."

the rest of the week went by fast and Max had won the race, u were currently getting ready for the party Redbull was having since everyone was invited u decided to go let lose, u wore a short silk black dress and black heels to go with it. there was a knock on ur door and u went to open it and seen Yuki and Pierre standing there.

"u both ok because ur drooling." "yep we good." u laugh and shake ur head. "u ready to go." "just need to grab my bag." u went to ur bed and picked up ur phone purse and other things to put inside ur bag before grabbing ur hotel key card. "let's go." Yuki and Pierre nod and then the three of u made ur way to Pierre's car. after arriving at the club the three of u got out of the car and all of the photographers took ur photo's,

the three of u made ur way into the club and waved at everyone. you had made ur way to the bar and ordered a martini, after u got ur drink u had made ur way to the table where the other AlphaTauri staff were and greeted them. "looking good y/n." "why thanx you." "u need to dress more girly to show those hips u got girl." "no thanx you not after what happened last time the only time I dress like this is for things like this." "ok yea true we don't want another accident like that."

a few drinks later u were on the dance floor dancing to the song's and Max had joined you dancing and u both were so drunk u hadn't noticed who u were dancing with, more drinks later u and Max had made ur way back to the hotel and he guided u to his room. the next morning u woke up with a major headache and u layed back down in bed,

and was gonna go back to sleep until u felt the bed move u sat up quickly and looked to ur right and seen Max was next you, "fuck this was not ment to happen." "u got out of the bed quickly and put ur dress on grabbing ur bag and shoes before running out of the room over to ur room before anyone could notice. "what the fuck was I doing there." u sat on the bed and tried to remember what happened last night but nothing came to mind.

after u had washed up and changed into comfy clothes u made sure u had everything packed up in ur suitcase, u tripled checked ur room before making ur way to the lobby to check out. when u had arrived at the lobby u had seen Yuki and Pierre was there along with Max and Checo. u handed the receptionist ur key card before making ur way over to the driver's,

"I'm off see you at the next race next week." "travel safe y/n and see u at the next race." "bye y/n safe travels." u waved to everyone and made ur way to where u had parked ur car. when u had arrived back in Monaco u went to ur parent's house, when u walked in the staff greets you and u greet them before making ur way to the living room. "hi mom, hi dad." "my daughter how are you." "I'm good thanx just a little tried after the party last night."

"how come ur here." "so I've come to the conclusion that I want everyone to know who I really am." "are u sure." "yes I am sure I want to." "ok I'll have ur manager make a public statement for you." u nod and hug ur parent's "if he has to say anything to u, u know what to do." "I know dad don't worry I have many people on my side including his mother because she really liked me." "good hopefully something good will come out of this."

u were now on ur yatch enjoying the sun, "miss y/n u have guest's." u sat up and looked at the person and seen Pierre, Yuki and Max, "what bring's u boy's here to my yatch." "these 2 begged me for them to join me." "I know that u aren't just here because u want to be here with me." "we seen the news is it true." "yes it's true about who I really am." "holyshit." u laugh and stand up.

"so now u know who I really am besides Yuki since he knew already please don't treat me any different at work." "don't worry we won't" "make ur self at home." Yuki goes to sit on the other sun bed, Pierre went to join him and Max just stands there, u looked at Max and smiled, "don't just stand there come join us." "are u sure." "yea come on." Max walks over to u all and sit's on the edge of the seat. u laugh and pull him backwords for him to lay with u on the chair.

"what are u doing," "u look un comfterble sat there like that just relax." "can I be ur boyfriend again I miss u so much." "why do u think I reviled who I really am I want to be my self again and to be with u forever this time."

Maxx smiles and kisses ur cheek before laying properly on the seat. "so Pierre did u finally confess ur feelings." "yea I feel better now I done it." "good I don't have to deal with u to complaining u like the other and didn't have the balls to say it." Max laugh's and Pierre throws his book at u. "oi don't u throw u book at me because I said the truth." u threw the book back and u all laugh.

"this week brake is going to be fun." "you can say that again." not long after u said that everyone's phone pinged. u all looked at ur phones to see many people are talking about u all. u opened twitter and seen the photo of u lot on the yatch and u looked around and seen the boat with photographer's u shook ur head. "fucking paparazzi." "u can say that again."

u all ignored everything and went back to do ur own thing's u and Max were cuddling and Pierre and Yuki were on the jet ski, "I am so happy to have u back." "I am also happy to have u back, what will ur mom and sister say." "u know them I don't need to answer that one." "true." u laugh.

"we will take over the world being the biggest power couple." "u can say that again."

The End

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