Max Fewtrell (4)

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u drive for Renault for F3 along side Max Fewtrell as ur team mate and the both of u were best friends, but on track u were rivals, during ur race in Macau u were in first place and Max was right behind u in second and was trying to get into first place, but when he tried to over take u he lost control of his car and slid into the barrier which caused a red flag to be brought out,

"y/n come into the pits." "is he ok?" "we don't know he won't answer." "fuck please be ok." "into the pits now." "no ill go to him." u stopped the car and got out, u ran to Max's car and ignored the marshals telling u not to go to the car, u unbuckled Max's belts and pulled him up and dragged him out of the car, the medics helped u and just as u got far enough the car exploded,

because of the adrenalin u started yelling at the marshals, "IF I HAD LISTENED TO U HE WOULD OF DIED, WHY DIDN'T U TRY AND GET HIM OUT HUH." before they could say anything one of the medics grabbed hold of u, "y/n leave it let's go." u got into the ambulance and sat down, the adrenalin still going,

"he is really lucky to have u y/n." after getting to the medical centre u and the medics got out and max was brought inside, u were checked over before given the clear to go, u went to see Max and u couldn't bare to see him in the state he was in so u left, u walked back to the garage went to the driver's room threw ur helmet on the sofa and punched the wall.

"y/n u ok." u ignored the staff because u knew if u said something u would yell at them, "he is going to be ok y/n he is lucky that u ignored everyone and risked ur self for him, he will fight through." u started crying and ur manager hugged u, "its going to be ok." "why didn't I just let him pass me It's my fault." "it's not ur fault y/n, we checked back and the tyre gave in on him."

"now wipe though's tears and put on ur helmet u need to finish this race." u wiped ur tears and put on the helmet back on and left ur driver's room, to where ur car was on the grid already u got in, "radio check." "copy." "let's win this for him." 5 light's go out and the race continued, Max was watching the rest of the race from the hospital,

15 laps later and u had won the race, u were on the podium with the Dutch anthem playing, after listening to the anthem u got the bottle and started celebrating with the other 2 driver's, after a while u got ur interview, u ignored anything to do with the accident, after doing ur interview u went to the medical centre and went to max's room, "how u feeling." "I'm ok nothing is broken which is lucky just bruised,"

u placed ur hat on Max's head and smiled, "now ur a winner." Max laugh's, "i'm not a winner, im a loser who is in the hospital." "to me ur a winner Max and u will always be a winner in my eye's." "is the cold hearted driver flirting with me." Max smirks and u just laugh, "yes I am, is it working." Max laugh's and shakes his head, "sure is now come here I want a hug."

u went to him and hug him, "thanx u for saving my life." u moved and look at Max, "I will always save ur ass." u laugh and Max kisses u which caught u off guard, u didn't know what to do or say because u were shocked, "Max." "don't say anything." u kissed Max on his cheek and smiled, "I know this is not the right time to ask u since im here but will u be mine," u laugh, "I will always be urs Max." after the doctor said Max could leave the both of u left the hospital and made ur way to the hotel, "how can u afford all this." "let's just say my parents are well known people." "I won't ask."

many years go by u had 4 world titles from F3 and when u were in F2 u also got 4 titles, Max on the other hand was not a driver anymore he done twitch stream's and if u could u always watched them when he did go live or if u were busy u would watch the reply of it. u were now in F1 along side Max Verstappen, Lando and all them, u were the first Female in that section and many people had their opinions.

before u had joined F1 u were worried that u would never get a seat in that section as one u were a female and 2 u thought no team's would take u but after u race in Monza u got the attention of a few F1 teams, and though's were Red Bull, Mercedes, McLaren and Aston Martin, when u were choosing which team to join u were struggling to pick, but when u did u knew u made the right choise by going with McLaren, so when McLaren had announced u were going to be their new driver many people said it was a big mistake to let a female drive.

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