Pierre Gasly (1)

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the last race before summer had started and everyone was really exited for summer vacation time, everyone was in the garage putting on their head gear before getting into the car and one by one everyone made it to the starting line. 44 laps later the race had ended in SPA Max had won the race.

after the podium celebration was done and everyone had gotten changed they were at the hotel packing their thing's ready to leave for their summer vacation in L.A.. y/n was in the middle of packing her suitcase when there was a knock at the door. she goes to open it and Charles was stood there.

"need anything." "most of us are done packing everyone told me to come check to see if u were done." "I just need to put 2 things in then we are good to go." "ok I'll wait here for you then." y/n goes over to her suit cases and puts the 2 things in and close it. once the both of them had made it to,

the lobby of the hotel y/n checks out and then they left. "where are we staying in L.A anyway." "at my place." "is it going to fit all of us?." "yes u guys don't need to worry." after reaching the airport they checked in their luggage and went to the lounge to wait for their plane.

hours later they had landed in L.A and got their suitcases and made it outside where the car's were waiting for them. they all got into the car's and followed y/n to her place. once they had reached the mansion everyone was shocked. they parked their car's and got out. "this place is urs." "yep."

"wait so ur rich." "duh why else would I bring u guys here to stay." y/n open's the door's and they walked inside. the maids took their suitcases. "this place is for all of us so make ur self at home." "what is there to do." "I have a privet golf course, I have a massive game's room and many other things."

everyone was surprised. y/n went up stairs to her room and she puts on her swim suit and went back down stairs to go out side where the pool was. everyone followed y/n outside and seen her in the pool swimming.

"are u guys going to stand there or what." everyone rushed to find their room's which wasn't hard to find and they changed into swim clothes. everyone was outside now either in the pool playing volleyball or sat on the deck chairs sun bathing. "this is going to be the best vacation ever." "u can say that again."

over the vacation time everyone had done everything they wanted, y/n and a few other's played golf and they were jealous because of good she played. everyone had been in the game's room using everything that was there and most importantly every night they were sat by the firepit toasting marshmallows.

"3 days to go before we need to leave and go to the next race." "I don't want to go." everyone started laughing. "well since we have the last race coming up soon what is everyone doing after that last race." "don't know most of us are heading back to Monaco since we live there." "I am ment to be going home but I don't know if my parents have planned something I might just stay in Monaco as well."

everyone was confused about what they were going to do. "we can figure it out once its closer to the time." Yuki was arguing with Pierre about something and everyone was laughing at them. "I wonder what their arguing about." "something stupid properly." everyone laughed at Lando's response.

Pierre had walked into the house and Yuki starts laughing and everyone just looked at Yuki lost at why he was laughing, "PIERRE LOVES Y/N." everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Yuki Pierre comes running outside and drags Yuki inside. "what was that about." everyone shrugs.

Yuki comes running out of the mansion screaming, everyone was looking at him. "y/n save me from ur lover boy." y/n was sat there lost and confused, then Pierre come's out looking for Yuki. "what is this boy talking about." "nothing he is being stupid." "no I'm not ur just afraid to ask her out and scared she would reject you."

"ok everyone let's go inside shall we and figure this out like adults." everyone went inside and y/n puts out the fire before walking inside. y/n locks the door's before going up stairs to her room. when she got in Yuki and Pierre were there waiting on her. "now tell me what the fuck is going on no lies everyone knows I hate them."

"Pierre has liked you for a while now and is scared to ask you out and is scared he would be rejected." "is this true Pierre." "Yes its true I am scared about getting rejected by you." "there is no need to be scared about it I know ur hurt after the brake up and scared to love again but good things will come u just need to wait for it to come to u."

"Yuki u can go now ill take it from here." Yuki nods and leaves the room to go to his room. y/n sits on the bed next to Pierre and look's at him. "I'm not with anyone so u don't need to worry about that and I have a crush on u as well but didn't know how to tell you." Pierre look's up to y/n and smiles a little.

"so since ur scared to say it I will say it instead, will u be my boyfriend." Pierre nods and hugs y/n. "see it wasn't that hard." Pierre laugh's. "now lets go to sleep because we gotta leave tomorrow." y/n gets up from the bed and grabs her pj's and goes to the bathroom to change.

Pierre had gone to his room to change into his pj's and then comes back to y/n's room to see y/n doing her night skin care. "I'm guessing u want to sleep here tonight." "how did u know." "well ur back in my room and no one enters my room at night unless its an emergency."

"ok fine yes I want to 2." y/n laugh's and shakes her head. Pierre goes to y/n and back hug's her. "so this is ur secret to such amazing skin." "yep and it makes me look younger two want to try it out." "sure but I have a beard." "don't worry about that." y/n turns around and uses her skin care products on Pierre.

"looking good handsome." Pierre look's in the mirror and laugh's. "really ur calling me handsome when I look like this." "its because it's going to make ur more handsome." Pierre shakes his head and y/n laugh's. after doing the skin care routine they went to bed.

the next morning everyone had woken up at 4am to pack their thing's and then left their thing's in the hallways ready. "where is y/n." "breakfast is ready come and get it." everyone goes to the kitchen and see's y/n had made breakfast for them. "how long have u been up for." "

I got up and hour before u lot did packed my things and made breakfast for u all." everyone grabs a plate and goes to the dining room to eat. y/n takes off the apron before keeping it, after breakfast everyone had taken their suitcases to the car's. "ok all suitcases are in the car what now."

"go back inside and check ur room's to make sure u haven't left anything behind check it three times then we can go." everyone besides Pierre and y/n had gone to their room's to check if they had forgotten anything. Pierre and y/n were already sitting in her car waiting.

everyone had made their way from the house to the car's Charles was the last one out so he locked the door's and got into y/n's car and passed her the key's. after arriving at the airport and checked in their luggage they sat in the lounge waiting to board the plane.

after arriving in Monaco everyone grabbed their luggage and headed to their own car's to head home. Y/n and Pierre had arrived at y/n's place and went inside. "wow ur place is massive." y/n laugh's. "I have to have a big place so I can fit all of us in when we come here for celebration's." y/n and Pierre were now sat on y/n's bed cuddling while watching a movie.

The End

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