Max Verstappen (3)

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you are a MotoGP driver for Red Bull along side Dani Pedrosa and Brad Binder, u were winning each of these races and may people called u the MotoGP version of Max but u didn't care what the media were saying so u just let them say what they wanted. u are Max's fave MotoGP driver and he has always wanted to meet u but never got the chance.

the MotoGP were currently on brake before the next race and u had decided u would go to the F1 race and that is what u done u went to the race and when everyone seen u there they were shocked to see u were there, u made ur way to the Red Bull garage and waved at everyone on Charles' side of the garage before entering Max's side and when u entered everyone greeted you.

"nice to finally have u here y/n." "I love it here already u guys are more enthusiastic here compared to my team back in MotoGP, there are really boring there." everyone laugh's at what u said and u were talking to everyone besides max since he wasn't in the garage yet. u were talking to one of the female engineer's about how she had joined the team and that's when Max had entered the garage.

Max pointed to you and everyone told him to go to you. the girl u were talking to stops and look's at Max, "u need anything." "who is this." u turn around and smile, "hi I'm." "no fucking way, ur actually here. " "well I hope I am." "holyshit this has to be a dream." "it's not, I'm guessing ur a fan." "he is a major fan of you." u laugh a little, "well then its an honour to be here." "can we take a picture." "sure, I am a fan of u as well so." Max just blinks and looked like he wanted to scream.

"are u serious about being my fan." "yes I have always watched ur racing from ur F3 days." "omg this is so cool." u laugh and then the photographer told u max to stand next to u, u both smile as he takes the photo. "ill have this sent to ur manager's for u to have." "ok thanx you." "how come ur here though." "MotoGP is having a week brake so I decided to come watch the race here." Max nods and then it was time for him to get into the car to race.

"let's make a bet shall we." "oh game on." "if he win's all of these last few races and u do as well then he will ask u out or something stupid like that, if he doesn't win and u do then u will get to decide if u want to be with him or the one ur dad is making u go with." "game on we are both Redbull driver's so it will be easy to win." "ok what ever helps u sleep at night." u placed ur bet's the whole team including christian. after the race had ended the whole team including you went to the barriers to celebrate Max's win.

it was now the last race of the season and u all were getting ready for the race. it is Tuesday night and FP1 and FP2 went well for the MotoGP, Wednesday night FP3 and quali went well, you were on pole again. Thursday morning was a hectic day for both F1 and the MotoGP, u were signing many autographs for the fan's, it was now night time and everyone were in the garages getting ready for the race.

you got onto ur bike and placed on ur helmet, u started up ur bike and let it warm up before u revved it to make it roar and everyone in the garage and the grandstands got exited. one by one all the bikes left the garage and followed u around the track for the formation lap, once everyone was at their starting point on the grid, all of u waited for the light's to go out. after the race had ended and u won u stood up and waved to all the fan's

after the podium celebration's u had gone to the hotel with everyone, that night everyone was in ur hotel room watching a movie. the next morning everyone was getting ready for FP1 & FP2 for F1. FP1 & FP2 went well and everyone was now in the motorhome since u decided u would make a homemade meal for everyone.

everyone was sat down waiting for food, after a few more minutes food was ready and u had plated everything up, "food is ready come and get it." everyone rushes to get a plate of food and thanxed you for it, "this food is the best u gotta cook like this more often." "this has to be the best home made food I've had in a while." "thanx you for the compliment's and I will defently cook more home made food for u all."

after having food everyone had left the track and gone back to the hotel. u were walking to ur hotel room when u heard someone shouting ur name, "y/n." u turn around and seen Max running at u, "yes." "I want to tell you something." "what is it." "I really like you and I was wondering if we could go out on a date." u tried ur best not to laugh as u know u won the bet and u look at Max smiling. "sure I would love that." Max smiles and then goes to his room. u entered ur room and laugh,

u sent a message to the group telling them to come to ur room. after a few minutes everyone was in ur room. "why did u call us here." "I won pay up." "WHAT NO WAY." "yes way I won this bet, he won these last few races and so did I but he asked me out first." "FUCKSAKES." u laugh at everyone, they payed u. "I regret making a bet with u we should of known u always will these things." u laugh, "because I'm not an ass I will treat u all to something u want."

"wait really." "yea u guys are more fun than my team back in MotoGP." "join us then." "how though." "I can sort something out for u." "are u sure because last time I drove a F1 car I didn't do so good." it's because u drive motorbikes for a living do some sim work and do actual testing in a F1 car u will do amazing." "ok fine." everyone was happy about u joining them.

the next day u got up early, washed up and changed into ur clothes for the day, u were sat on ur bed when there was a knock on ur door, u opened it to see Max stood there. "hi." "hi." "are u ready for today." "yep just need to grab my phone and purse." Max nods and u grabbed ur phone and purse before leaving ur room.

u and Max spent the whole day doing many things, u both were now in Max's room laying on his bed, "today was the best day of my life." "I can tell u seem happier." "it's because it healed my inner child a little bit more." "well that's good I will do anything to make u happy." Max smiles and hugged you. the next day u both were in his jet to head home to Monaco.

when u had arrived Max drove u to ur house, "thanx for the ride home." "ur welcome also when are u available next." "not sure but ill check my calendar when I get in and Message u to let u know." "ok cool." u wave to Max goodbye and he does the same. when it came to Christmas u spent it with Max and his family in the Netherlands.

it was now pre season testing and u were exited since u had been practising a load to make sure u were good enough, u had arrived at the paddock and everyone was confused why u were here since the MotoGP pre season testing had been already, u had made ur way to the Redbull hospitality and said hello to everyone, "good to have u here and driving for F1." "it's good to be here and I just hope I'm good enough." "u will do amazing today, ur Manager is in ur driver's room with ur new gear." "thanx you."

the pre season testing went well for the team, when it came to the first race of the season everyone was exited, u and Max were in his driver's room laying on his sofa. "what should we do." "what do u mean." "do we tell the public or not." "keep it to our selfs for now because u know what the fan's are like." "true." Max places with ur hair and u relax. both of ur manager's walk into the room and smiled. "its time to race." u both got up off the sofa and left the driver's room to head to the car's.

many moths had passed and u were doing way better than expected and both u and Max were on the podium constantly being in first and second the team was really happy with the results, u both had a 10 race streek and everyone was amazed with how well u were doing.

it was now summer time and u were on the deck of ur yatch tanning, "babe do u want a drink." "yes please." Max grabs u both a drink and makes his way to u, "I am so happy I am with you." "and I am happy with u as well." Max kisses u on ur lips and smiles.

"I am dating my idol."

The End

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