Charles Leclerc (5)

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you have always wondered as a kid why u were really different to the other kid's and why they bullied u but once u reached the age of 16 thing's started to change for u, u always had ur eye colours being 2 different one's one being blue and the other being red, but once u turned 16 ur hair changed colour from being white to a dark shade of blue which scared u,

"MOM." when ur mother heard u yelling she ran up the stairs and ran to u, "what's wrong." "why is my hair blue." "oh no it's happening." "what's happening tell me why is my hair this colour." "I will but first calm down and let's go sit on ur bed." u sat down on ur bed and waited for ur mom to tell u what is happening to you.

"ok so first u are 16 now which mean's ur transformation is happening." "what transformation." "let me finish please. "sorry." "second u are not my child." "huh." ur mom sigh's and look's down. "u were given to us by ur actual parent's for u to live a normal life before u had to rule ur kingdom."

"what do u mean." "ur birth mom is a fire person and ur birth dad is a water person, they fell in love which is not common thing to happen when ur mom found out she was having u she and ur father left their homeland and made their own one so they could let people like them live there and everyone was happy until one day after u were born ur mother's parent's came and started to destroy the world they created so in a emergency all the kids where sent here to earth for us to take care of u until ur 18th birthday."

"wait so ur telling me I am from though's book's kids read." "yes but the kids version is more friendly the actual book's written is more correct, now since u are 16 u and all the other kids will be sent to where u all had landed when u arrived which is in Netherlands that's where we the chosen one's were told to pick u lot up." "I don't want to go though I love it here." "I know u do sweety but now u get to leave here and go to be with ur kind."

"but why though." "because its the rule we have to follow once we picked u." a few days went by and it was now the day u were leaving the us to the Netherlands. once u had arrived at the Netherlands u grabbed ur luggage and made ur way outside u found the person ur adopted mom said to u before u left and went to him, "hello are u Jake." "yes I am and please state ur name." "my name is y/n." "ah princess sorry I didn't recognize you I should of looked at the photo's better." "it's ok but u don't need to call me princess im not royalty." "oh but u are though u will know everything once we get to ur home.

after arriving at the house u went inside and looked around, "wow this place is so big." "only the best for our princess. ur things are in ur room already u shall meet ur soulmate later once he arrives back from his friend's house." "ok thanx u Jake." "no worries now ill be off if u need anything call one of the maids they will get it for u." u nodded and made ur way up the stairs to ur room.

2 hours went by u were currently eating ur food when u heard the door open, u got up from where u were sat and made ur way to the hall way with ur maid following u, "who are u and why are u in my house." "my name is y/n and we share this house." Charles looked at u and noticed ur eye colour, he stepped closer to u and then hugged you, u hugged him back but u were scared.

"so ur the one my adopted mother told me." "yes I am." u nodded, u felt so awkward so u just looked at ur maid with a scared face. "ur food is ready why won't u go eat while the princess goes to her study." Charles look's at u, "ur a princess. "yes that's what I was told and so are u." "huh ok do u really have to go to ur study." "yes I have to I need to go back to learning my ways of being royalty I grew up in a poor family as well so I need to understand more thing's."

"I can show u everything u need to know the book's are a thousand years old the rules have changed since then." "how would u know." "Because my friend told me." "ok fine since ur my soul mate and I need to get to know u better as well might as well." "ok let me eat first then we can get started.

3 year's had gone by and u and Charles had just turned 18, the both of u got to know each other better and was now officially dating, there was 3 day's before u would leave to head back to ur actual home. "I can't believe we go back home in 3days I can't wait." "neither can I because I get to spend my entire life with u by my side." "please don't do that again no cheesiness please." Charles laugh's and hugs you.

that day the both of u just watched movies, the day after u enjoyed ur last day of being normal teens. the morning after the both of u got up early, washed up and changed into the clothes u picked out last night. after getting changed u and Charles made ur way down stairs to eat ur breakfast. after eating ur breakfast u both put on ur shoes and sat on the sofa and waited for the time to pass by.

hours go by and it was now time for everyone to get into their pods. "wait has our pod's changed from 2 solo one's into one for both of us." "yea that's the point." u laugh and shook ur head. "im an idiot." "no ur not now let's go." u nodded and u both went to the pod and stepped inside. u held Charles' hand. after the pod took of and flew to the world and landed right outside the palace u both step out and looked around wow this place look's so cool.

2 people came up to u both and pointed their weapons at the both of u, "who are u and why are u where." "do no point ur weapon at our children u idiot." the guard lowered the gun and then 2 people came to the both of u, "welcome home Charles and y/n." u hid behind Charles a little because u were scared. "ur scaring the kids go inside u imbasile." "sorry about him, please follow me we are happy u both are ok and now home safe." "how do we know we are safe because I feel threatened by that guard and that person just then."

ur mom looked at the guard and the guard lowered his head and left. "it's because after the attack no one has been the same." "oh ok." once u had arrived to ur room u opened the door and went inside with Charles right behind u. "wow." "this looks like my room back from Monaco." "my room was the exact same back in Texas." "what was the colour for ur room." "the same colour on these walls, what about urs." "same everything in here is the exact same thing." "huh so we had the same room then and now." "yea but we can change it if u want." "I don't mind anything is fine with me."

the year went by quickly and u and Charles got to know everyone and things were going good, u were walking around the palace grounds with Charles when the both of u came across a tree that was burnt. "huh is this from the accident." "look's like it." "It is ur mother and I weren't strong enough to revive it, it is the only thing that we couldn't get back and it is the most important thing here but we tried everything."

"not everything." u went up to the tree and sat on the floor and closed ur eye's and that's when the tree slowly started to come back, Charles sat next to u and done the same, everyone came to see what the light was and seen the both of u sat on the floor brining the tree back to life. after 4 more minutes the tree was now back to its original form. u look at Charles smiled. "we did it." "we sure did." "so these 2 are the one's who I saw in my vison, ur children are the one's who has each power."

"the future of this kingdom has been saved."

The End

(A/N: this is a quick note to say when it came to think of a place where everyone would be meeting up I couldn't think so I chose the first country that came to mind and for some stupid reason is was Netherlands 😂😂, there just gave off the vibes)

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