Lance Stroll (4)

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you are a fashion Designer and u owned the brand TomBoy, ur brand dedicates to every body shape there are, from being super skinny to plus size, but it always wasn't like that ur brand only did clothes for plus size people and they were really happy that ur brand did clothes for that body type,

but many other people weren't happy because there wasn't a option for skinny people, so u decided u would re do ur website and when u had told ur fan's ur website would be down for a while many people were sad but happy that u are chaining thing's, u decided to make ur website easier to use, and added more thing's such as shoes, accessories such as hat's, bag's, belt's, gloves, sunglasses, watches and more.

u also decided that u would make ur clothes available for both Men, Women, unisex, kids, and baby's. after re doing the whole website and got everything re done thing's were looking better for ur brand. many people became happy with how u had added more options, u were a sponsor for both the F1 Academy and F1 them selfs.

u were currently on ur Jet on the way to Miami for the F1 race there, u were working on new designs since u had nothing better to do and u needed a new clothes line soon anyway, "Comment avance la nouvelle réplique ?" "C'est bon, j'en ai fini avec ma collection d'été. Je travaille sur la collection d'automne et la collection d'hiver.

(ENG TRANS: "How's the new line coming?" "It's okay, I'm done with my summer collection. I'm working on the fall collection and the winter collection."

"ok that is grate send me the summer collection's u have and send them to the team so they can get started on them." u nodded, u stopped drawing and went to find ur summer collection drawing's and sent them to the team back in France. after a while u had arrived in Miami. u were currently in ur room laying on ur bed listening to song's and drawing, u had time to ur self since it was only Wednesday.

Thursday morning u had woken up early and got ready to head over to the track, once u had arrived everyone was taking photo's of u, u scanned ur pass to enter the paddock and looked around, u looked at ur manager, "Où dois-je aller?" "Suivez-moi. Je vous emmène à l'hospitalité alpine." u nodded and followed ur manager to the Alpine Hospitality.

(ENG TRANS: "Where should I go?" "Follow me. I'll take you to the Alpine hospitality."

u, Pierre and Esteban were sat outside talking when Lance Passes by and when he looks in ur direction he was stunned by u and he walked into his team mate, u Pierre and Esteban laugh and lance turns red and runs to the hospitality to hide, "Si ce n'était pas embarrassant, je ne sais pas ce que c'est." "Si c'était moi, je ne me montrerais plus jamais." you laugh, "Esteban, c'est pas gentil."

"Ok, je ne rirai plus jamais." "Vous nous connaissez depuis deux ans, est-ce qu'un des conducteurs a attiré notre attention ?" "Aucun d'entre vous n'étant comme ma famille pour moi, ce serait bizarre." "Oh, allez, l'un de nous a dû attirer l'attention." "Aucun de vous." "D'accord, Mais si quelqu'un nous fait savoir "Je sais et je vous le ferai savoir d'abord, puisque vous êtes plus comme des frères pour moi que n'importe qui d'autre ici."

(ENG TRANS: "If it wasn't embarrassing, I don't know what it is." "If it was me, I'd never show up again." You laugh, "Esteban, that's not nice." Okay, Ill never laugh again. "So you've known us for two years now, has any of the drivers caught ur attention to date?" "none of u since u all are like family to me, that would be weird." "Oh, come on, one of us must have caught the eye." "None of you." "Okay, but if anyone lets us know" "I know and I'll let you 2 know first since u 2 are more like brothers to me than anyone else here."

after doing a load of media thing's with Pierre and Esteban u were now in ur hotel room listening to music to help u sleep, the next morning u were woken up by a loud knock on ur door. u opened the door and seen Charles, Pierre and Esteban was stood there,

"Comment as-tu trouvé ma chambre d'hôtel?" "Il s'avère que nous sommes tous dans cet hôtel et quand nous avons appris que vous étiez aussi ici nous avons demandé à notre manager puisqu'elle était dans le hall il y a un moment." "Laisse-moi deviner que tu es là pour m'emmener sur la piste."

"Nous allons prendre le petit déjeuner avec l'autre chauffeur d'abord et ensuite tu pourras choisir lequel d'entre nous tu veux aller sur la piste" u nodded and grabbed ur thing's and went with them to where everyone else was "hi." "hi." "this is really weird for me." "why." "well i'm having breakfast with u lot and not my manager."

(ENG TRANS: "How did you find my hotel room?" "It turns out we're all in this hotel and when we heard you were also here, we asked our manager since she was in the lobby a while ago." "Let me guess you're here to take me on the trail." "We'll have breakfast with the other driver first and then you can choose which one of us you want to go on the track."

"well get used to it because u will be with us for the rest of the season." "oh this is gonna be fun." everyone laugh's, u sat in between Lance and Felipe. after arriving at the track the paparazzi seen u had arrived with all of the driver's and started to take photo's and ask u question's but u ignored them and walked with the drivers into the paddock.

month's had gone by and u and Lance became close and everyone started to notice how Lance looked at u when u weren't looking and the same with u, it was now the beginning of summer brake and u had hosted a massive party for ur summer collection that had dropped last month,

u had so many celebs at ur party, the Kardashians/Jenner's were there along with other people like Paris Hilton, and more. mid way through the second half of the F1 season u had done a fashion show for the autumn and winter collection dropped. u had another party for that, it was coming to the end of the season everyone was on their way to Abu Dhabi for the last race. u and Lance had arrived before everyone else,

u were laying on the bed looking through ur phone when Lance jumped onto the bed and kisses ur lips, "thanx u for making me this happy." "no thanx u for showing me what love is again." u both laugh, u put ur phone down and hugged Lance, "u have done amazing this season baby, last race so u need to do ur best like usual." "thanx u my love, and don't worry I will work hard."

the last race was on going and Lance had gone form P18 to P4 and defended that position like his life depended on it 5 laps to go and there was a red flag, George had spun out and hit the barrier. the safety car was deployed and the driver's had to race under it for 2 laps, Lance went up to third place, u were so happy. during the podium u were crying and happy.

winter brake was on going everyone was having fun, u were currently in Baku for the FIA gala with Max, Charles, and the other's, u all were having fun there, when u got to see everyone got their awards it made u realise how everyone is like a family, the gala had ended and u were on the Jet with Max, Charles, christian and his wife with u.

"I think I know which team's I will continue to sponsor." everyone looked at u, "u do." "yea it was easy to pick the 3 team's." "who are they." u were live anyway so it was easier for u to say, "for the 2024 season I will be sponsoring, Red Bull racing, Aston Martin, and Porsche." "wait really." u nodded and Max and Charles hugged u. "this is amazing."

u were now with Lance and hugged him, "u were gone for a few hours did u miss me that much." "yea I did." "I heard ur sponsoring my team for next season." "yea." "is it for the whole team or for a driver." "the whole team but u will get a little bit more." "then let's go do that." u laugh and stood up and ran to ur shared room.

The End

A/n: quick note to say that I couldn't add more chapters to this book, so there is a second book, the second book will have the following:

1.Nyck de vries
2. Esteban ocon
3. Yuki Tsunoda
4. Logan Sargent
5. Zhou Guyana
6. Daniel Ricciardo
7. Sebastian Vettel
8. K mag
9 Fernando Alonso
10. Checo
11. Daniil K
12. Liam Lawson
13. Twitch quartet
14. Mick S
15. Arthur Leclerc
16. F. vesti
17. O. Bear man
18. E. Fittipaldi
19. T. Pourchaire
20. J. Doohan
21. P. Aron
There will also be bouns story's for ceartin drivers and thoughs are:

F1 one shots Book 1 completedWhere stories live. Discover now