Lando Norris (1)

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Y/n Wolff is the daughter of toto Wolff and she is the first F1 female Driver, everyone didn't like the fact she was a female many people told her she cant be a racing driver because she is a girl. the other half loved y/n but was shocked to see her driving for Redbull racing and not Mercedes since her dad is the team principle for the team.

it was now 2022 and everyone was training for the upcoming season, everyone was exited for the pre season testing. currently all of the drivers were in the gym in Monaco preparing for the pre season testing. y/n had just finished her training and was now sat in the ice cool down room drinking her Redbull.

Charles walks in and laughs at the sight of y/n drinking her Redbull and looking at her phone sat in a ice bath. "ur not cold sat in there." "no not really I love taking ice baths it helps me relax." Charles laughs a little. "ur crazy u know that Wolff." "I know thanx for pointing that out Charles." Charles laughs before getting into his ice bath to cool off.

one by one everyone enters the room and laugh's at y/n since she is still there. "how many Redbull's have u drank." "2." "then why the fuck are u still sat in the melted Ice bath." "it's nice and cold plus it helps me relax." everyone laugh's and makes their way into their own ice baths." Lando was stareing at y/n and Daniel had noticed it.

"mate ur stareing at her." Lando look's at Daniel and blushes. "I can't help it she is hot as hell." Daniel laugh's at Lando, everyone was talking to each other besides y/n and Max the both of them were not talking. y/n gets up from the ice bath and grabs her towel drying her self off before leaving the cool down room and making her way to her room to get changed.

a few months had gone by the pre season testing was in Spain and in Bahrain before the actual race in Bahrain, after Bahrain they had gone to Saudi Arabia, Australia, Italy, Usa for Miami, Spain, Monaco, Azerbaijan, Canada, UK, Austria, France, Hungary and now they were in Belgium for the SPA grand prix. everything so far during the practise was going grate for them.

once the race weekend was done and everyone was in y/n's hotel room chilling. Lewis walks into the room and looks at everyone. "so the FIA just phoned me and said that all of us will be living together." "why though" "don't know all they said is that we all have to live together in this house, in the middle of no where but there is wifi so its good."

it was now the day everyone was moving into this massive house in the middle of no where in Austria.

y/n and Max were the first one's to arrive at this house and they had already picked their room's as they were finishing up unpacking their stuff someone had arrived. "who has arrived." "Leclerc and Sainz." Max was happy and ran down stairs. "my god he is a simp for his partner." y/n makes her way down stairs and greets Charles and Carlos. "since its just 4 so far u guys can pick ur own room's." Carlos cheered.

after a while Lewis and George had arrived, after everyone had arrived and picked their rooms besides the last group who arrived they didn't get to pick their room's. Lando was chilling in his room not knowing what to do so he set up his stream and went live on twitch. everyone was doing their own things before food was ready.

months had gone by and everyone was loving the house and the season had ended and everyone was just chilling out with their partners. Max and Charles were in their room laying on the bed watching movies. y/n had put on her cosplay outfit and started her stream everyone always asked her to do cosplay streams because it was fun to watch.

Alex screams and everyone besides y/n had left their room's and ran to the living room to where Alex was. "what's wrong why are u screaming." "look." everyone looked at the tv and seen what Alex was watching." "who is that." Alex looks at everyone shocked. "that is y/n/n" "who" "she is a major cosplayer and she hasn't done a live stream in ages and all of a sudden she is streaming."

"I wonder who the person really is". "we all do but we aren't aloud to know." Lando couldn't watch any longer so he went to his room. after hours of streaming y/n had finished the stream and went into the bathroom to get rid of the make up and change into her pj's and was laying in bed looking through her phone.

it was midnight everyone besides y/n and Lando were asleep, Lando was asleep until he heard the thunderstorm he didn't want to disturb anyone so he tired to hide under the covers but it didn't work. so he makes his way out of the room and he had seen the light come out of y/n's room and he slowly opens the door.

y/n looks up from her phone to see Lando stood there shaking. "hey what's wrong." "I can't sleep because of the storm can I stay with u for now" "sure thing." Lando closes the door and runs to the bed and jumps on the bed and hides under the covers because there was a loud bang. y/n turns off the light's and lays down and there was another bang from the storm and Lando moves closer to y/n.

y/n hugs Lando, "don't worry ur safe with me." y/n plays with Lando's hair to help him sleep. the next morning Lando wakes up and looks at y/n before he panicked a little. y/n looks at Lando and smiles softly.

months had gone by and Lando had started to fall in love with y/n but he knew he could never be with her because of who she is and to the fact they were rivals on track. Lando was sad and everyone had noticed it and Lewis put a hand on his shoulder. "u ok Lando." "yea im fine don't worry about me." "Lando u have been sad and crying for the past few months there is defently something wrong."

Lando sighs, "I fell in love with y/n but I know for a fact I can't be with her." everyone looked at Lando shocked. "why do u say that." "because of who she is and that we are rivels." "Lando just because she is toto's daughter doesn't mean u cant tell her ur feelings."

"I tried but every time I do something always stops me from talking to her about it, plus I know for a fact she doesn't like me anyway so It doesn't matter." "what doesn't matter." "everyone turned around to see y/n stood there with her cosplay make up on. "uh first off what the fuck have u done to ur face." y/n grabs her phone and opens up the Camera and laugh's. "this is my cosplay make up I just finished my new video and I forgot I still had it on my bad."

"what are u ment to be." "Venom." everyone blinked confused and y/n laugh's. "give me a second." y/n runs up stairs and puts on the rest of the cosplay and came back down stairs and showed everyone. "holy shit that is impressive." "thanx I do this in my own time when its off season." "wait are you y/n/n." "yea that's me."

"omfg I live in the same house as my fave twitch streamer." y/n laugh's "omg can u do the voice I wanna hear it." y/n says a few things like the character and Alex screamed again. everyone laughed at alex. "how can ur voice go that deep ur a girl." "its my hidden talent." y/n goes back up stairs to change back into normal clothes and had taken off the make up.

y/n comes back down stairs and jumps over the couch and lands next to Lando. "so what was that before I showed off my cosplay." "ask Lando its him." everyone got up and left to go to the kitchen to hide so they could listen in. y/n looks at Lando and seen he was scared. y/n hugs Lando, "u know u can tell me anything u know."

"I know but this is different." y/n giggles softly she knew about him liking her but she didn't want to say anything she wanted to hear it from Lando him self. "tell me when ur ready ok." y/n get's up and was going to go, "I fell in love with u but I was scared of getting rejected plus I knew I could never date u as of who u are plus ur my rival on track."

y/n stops walking and looks at Lando. "u shouldn't be scared Lando of telling me that plus I also fell for u but didn't even know how to tell u." "really." Y/n nods and goes back to Lando and hugs him. "u are the one who makes me happy out all the drivers ur way better than the others." "oi we heard that." "that was the point u morons." everyone laugh's and then came back into the living to watch the movies they were planning on watching. Lando was laying on y/n while she hugged him watching the movie.

The End.

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