Alex Albon (2)

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you have been working with Williams for 3 years now, but it's not the first time u have worked with a F1 team u used to work for Red Bull, u had a laugh in the Red bull garage because of Daniel u were like a sister to Daniel because he always made sure u were ok and made sure u always were included since some of the staff would leave u out of thing's.

it's 2023 and the new season was around the corner and everyone was training to get back into shape before the season start's u were currently on the treadmill running ur laps when someone had stopped the treadmill, u looked to see who it was and seen Alex, u took off ur headset off, "take 5 u have been doing that for 2 hours already."

"has it been 2 hours already?" "yea it's been 2 hour's all of us are going to get something to eat let's go." "I'll be there in a second let me sort out something real quick." Alex nod's and left u to head with everyone else to eat." "where is y/n." "she has gone to sort something out she will be here in a second." "I hope she does join us and eat because for the last few weeks she hasn't eaten at all."

"she told us she had eaten something why did she lie" "she didn't want u guys to worry about her so u guy's could concentrate on doing her workout ready for this season." everyone was worried about you but they couldn't do anything since they were busy eating.

everyone was now back in the gym room to go back to training, u had gone home because u were feeling ill and didn't want to risk anything. u were sat on ur bed reading a book when u felt tired so u fell asleep, u hadn't slept in day's because of the up coming season. back at the William's facility everyone was waiting for u. "is y/n not here."

"forgot to mention she went home because she was felling ill and she didn't want to risk making us ill so she went home to rest." Logan and Alex left the building and went to their shared house, "I feel bad for y/n she has been working so hard to make sure everything is done well that she put's us before her self." "all the staff do it so it's fine."

"this is different though not all of our staff are our original staff and y/n is the only one who has stuck with us since u joined William's Alex" "she is just staff Alex she will leave soon anyway." "don't say that she will never leave." "oh don't be so sure on that." Alex started crying and made his way to his room

it was the day of the first race of the season and everyone was getting ready, you had helped Alex with putting on his belts after doing that u went to the side and put on ur headphone's u gave a thumbs up to the other's and Alex left the garage for FP1

"y/n why are u with us on this side ur usually on Logan' side we are just curious." "I never helped Alex before so just wanted a different person to work with." "is it because of what Logan said." "yes but don't say anything." "we don't get him sometimes." "we are just lucky to have u here still."

"I know told to but I proved my self I could do all the work." "just do what u usually do because we wouldn't know what to do if u left." "I know I do but some times I wonder if that's why some of the other staff left u know." "we all do but for now let's watch them practise."

months had gone by and everyone was on summer brake Logan made a bet with the other driver's but some of them didn't want to take part in the bet but according to Logan they had to, the bet was u were going to leave in 2 days or leave in 3 month's time.

everyday they were waiting for it to happen and u and some of the other staff had figured it out and told the team principal's about it and they got angry, u and the staff were in a meeting, "so let me guess Logan made a bet u figured it out and now what."

"we need to something because it's hurt y/n she has done nothing wrong and he does this out of what." "serene has a point why do this for what he get's the last laugh we will see about that." every other staff agreed. "ok u guy's can crash their bet party, but do we know why he hates y/n."

"no we don't he has been cold to her since she joined the crew." the FIA just nodded their heads, "ok do what u must." month's had gone by and when the lot who made the bet had seen u were still there they looked at each other and Alex laughed quietly,

before slipping away to leave the room. you, Alex, Max, Daniel and some of the staff were stood outside of the press conference room watching them talk about the plan to get rid of u. "Alex did u place any bet's." "nope I never did I just pretended so they would feel better." the staff laugh's and u just shook ur head. "let's crash their party shall we."

the staff opens the door and walks in before, Alex, Max, Daniel and you. everyone looks at u lot and got angry. but before they could speak Logan' manager spoke, "I heard from someone u have a bet going about a certain staff member." "no why would we do that."

"well its funny how u are all gathered here and talking about it." "we were talking about something else." "stop lying u morons why do u think I never placed a bet and why Max and Daniel also didn't join because we knew about it before u asked us."

everyone glared at you, "y/n didn't tell us it was Alex who told us plus we had our suspicions." "Alex u snitch." "well he placed bets as well." "I never did why do u think I was never in ur little meetings I was with y/n, Max and Daniel.

"well fine then we did but we had our reasons." "and what reasons is that." "y/n is just a pain in the ass always telling us not to do this not to do that we had enough we did everything to get rid of her." "she was doing it because she didn't want u guys to get hurt, she took the blame when u guy's broke something important in the FIA building,

she took the blame for many things to make sure u guys never got into trouble but we all knew who really done it" "she was protecting u all from the fan's she got injured to keep u all safe she got death threats from the fan's and other things from them,

did it effect her yes it did but she didn't let it get to her because she loves working with u all and she treats u all like brothers why are u doing this to her." everyone was shocked at what the manager and the other staff had said they didn't know anything about this and they felt bad because of it.

"how long were u getting though's threats." "since the beginning and still am now. and u lot making a bet took it to far, I have 2 options now I stay here working for u still or I go work with f2 or a different racing program

"Please stay with us." "please stay we don't know what to do without u y/n." "ur like a sister to us." "why should I though the only reason I would stay is because of Alex, Max and Daniel they are the only ones who really cared about me." "we are sorry we will make it up to you." u sigh but u knew u would be sad if u left. "ok fine I'll stay but any of this shit again ill leave immediately." everyone nods and runs to u and hugs u.

The End

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