Max Fewtrell (3)

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Lando had been karting for years but struggled to make friends until one day someone comes up to him and introduces him self to Lando, "hi." "h-hi." "my name is Max." "my name is Lando." "wanna be friends?" "sure." after that day both Max and Lando became best friend's and they did everything together.

a few years go by and Lando had just recently joined McLaren F1 team and he was exited to be apart of the team, Lando had also moved to Monaco and Max was living with him there, Lando had a massive crush on Max but never told him because he was scared he would get rejected by him,

Max was doing a twitch stream with Lando and the both of them were being their usual self but Lando was flirting as well, all the Fan's had noticed and that's how the Max and Lando ship started, many fan's had made edit's about them and made a # and it had reached 1million within 2 hours,

that afternoon Lando was going through TikTok and that's when he had seen a edit a fan made and was smiling he clicked on the # and watched a few edits of him and Max he had been smiling at the edit's and Max noticed it, "what u watching mate." "oh just something on TikTok." "ok i'm gonna order food do u want anything,"

"I will have a chicken salad please." "sure anything else." "i'm good I will have my shake to go with it." "ok ill order it now." Max order's the food, Lando put's his phone down and get's up and heads to the kitchen to make his shake. while Lando was in the kitchen his phone was going crazy and Max look's at his phone,

"mate ur phone is going crazy." "what are the notification's." Max pick's up the phone and taps the screen and it shows the notification's, "a load of people are tagging u in video's on TikTok, liking ur comment and reposting the video u have also reposted." "click on one and see what it is." "ok." Max clicks on the notification and watched the video before looking at the comment Lando left and seen how many people had liked his comment.

Lando walks into the living room with his shake and seen Max was still looking at his phone, "what's wrong." Max look's at Lando, "you commented on a edit of the both of us." "yea and." "Lando u do realise that they are shipping us together and want us to be together." "I know that Max why do u think I have been smiling for the past hour."

"so is that why u were flirting with me during the stream." "yea like I always been doing." Max sigh's, "why." "because I have had a crush on u for so long and I tried telling u but u kept pushing me away," before Max could say anything Lando takes his phone from max and picks up his key's and leaves the house, he couldn't be in the same place any longer he had to leave.

Lando walk's all the way to Carlos' house and knocked on his door, Carlos open's the door and was worried when he seen the look on Lando's face. "what's wrong Lan." "can I stay with u please." "sure come in." Carlos moves to the side for Lando once Lando was in the house Carlos closes the door, "what's wrong u seem really down."

"Max found out that I like him and he got all weird with me." "oh Lando i'm sorry." Carlos hug's Lando and Lando cries, Carlos didn't know what to do so me messages the group chat.

" Carlos hug's Lando and Lando cries, Carlos didn't know what to do so me messages the group chat

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"everything will be ok Lan u just need to give him time." "what if he think's im disgusting because of gay." "he won't think that Lando." "how would u know Carlos." "because I do." "do u think im disgusting." "no I don't do u want to know why." Lando nod's, "it's because I am also gay and I am dating George." "I didn't know that." "well now u know." that night Lando, George and Carlos were sat on the sofa watching a movie,

Max was panicking because he couldn't find Lando he tried asking the other driver's but they ignored Max because Carlos had explained to them why Lando was crying. Max tries calling Lando but it went to out of serves machine, "fucksakes he turned off his phone, Max calls Carlos and it went to voicemail, he calls George and he pick's up,

"hello." "hi it's max please tell me Lando is with u." "yea he is with me and Carlos why." "oh thanx god I've been looking everywhere for him." "ok now u know he is with us I gotta go bye." "wait." George ends the call. "fucksakes." there was a ping on Max's phone and he look's at the message,

"I need to fix this and quick," Max grabs his jacket and leaves the house and makes his way to Carlos and George's house, he knocks on the door and wait's for someone to answer it, he waits 3 hours there and no one answer's just as he is about to ...

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"I need to fix this and quick," Max grabs his jacket and leaves the house and makes his way to Carlos and George's house, he knocks on the door and wait's for someone to answer it, he waits 3 hours there and no one answer's just as he is about to go Carlos open's the door, "what are u doing here." "I want to talk to Lando," "no u can't u have hurt him enough." "please I need to speak to him." "fine u have 2 minutes."

Max walks into the house and goes to the room Lando is using, "what are u doing here." "I came to talk to u I only have 2 minutes." "why bother ur only gonna tell me I'm disgusting for being gay and I need to sort my self out." "no that's not why I am here, I seen the # and all of the videos why I only noticed it now I don't know but I now realise why u,

like me and after what the other's told me I am sorry for the way I spoke to u earlier, please forgive me." "no Max u really hurt me." "please I will do anything to make u forgive me." "like what." "take u out on a date to prove to u that I also like u." "please don't be stupid u don't like me just say it and I will leave u alone." "for the love of god Lando I LOVE U AND ALWAYS HAVE I WAS SCARED TO TELL U BECAUSE I THOUGHT U WOULD TELL ME I WAS SICK FOR LIKING U."

Lando flinched because Max yelled and hide under the cover's as flash backs happened, "i'm sorry I won't do it again im sorry." Max relised what he done and went to Land o and hugged him, "i'm sorry I didn't mean to yell." Lando relaxed when he heard it was Max and he snuggled closer into his arm's for the warmth. "I am here no one is going to hurt u I promise."

Lando shuffles closer and hides in Max's arm's, "promise me u won't leave me." "I promise Lan." "thanx u Max." George and Carlos stood there watching them, "finally he got some sence to see that Lando had liked him for ages." "I am happy Lando found someone." George takes out his phone and takes at photo of them and post's it to the group chat.

" George takes out his phone and takes at photo of them and post's it to the group chat

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(I couldn't find a pic with 2 boys hugging so pretend the girl is a boy)

Max and Lando were both asleep and Max hugging Lando tighter to keep him safe and warm.

The End

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