George Russell (4)

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Chloe and y/n are well known fashion designers and are in Las Vegas doing a fashion show to show off the new collection they recently brought out. they had been working on these for 4 months to make sure everything was perfect.

everything had gone well with the fashion show so the both of them decided to celebrate. they were staying in the most popular hotel in Vegas since it was known for the Cassino that was apart of it.

meanwhile Lando and George where in the office of the Cassino since they owned it but never came to it since their main business is in Uk. they were here in Vegas to see how everything was doing and since everything was going good they didn't need to do anything much but to change some of the game machines to different ones and new one's.

Chloe and y/n had just walked into the casino and were looking around. "wow this place is so cool let's look around before we head to the bar or do we go to the club." "I know It is so cool here and yes let's look around before heading to the club."

y/n nods and then the both of them walk around the cassino. Lando was looking through the window of the office and noticed Chloe and y/n and was really shocked. "Omg George come here." "what is it Lan."

George walks over to Lando and looks out of the window and sees what Lando had seen. "Omfg is that Chloe and y/n here in our cassino" "it is them I can't believe the well known Fashion designers would be here, I wonder if they are staying in this hotel."

"Lando that is creepy plus they might not know who we are." "chill G-" before Lando could finish his sentence there was a knock on the door. "come in." the security open's the door. "sorry to disturb you there are 2 ladies out here who want to see you."

Lando looks at George and then looks back at the door. "sure let them in." the security nods and then lets Chloe and Y/n into the room. once Chloe and y/n had walked into the room Lando and y/n look so shocked they didn't know what to do.

"are the both of you ok u both look really shocked." "huh oh yea we are ok, so what brings the both of you to our cassino." "well we are staying at this hotel and we were just exploring around until we felt like we were being watched so we asked the security if they could protect us and then they just led us here."

"oh ok and sorry it was us we were shocked to see u both here we are big fan's." Chloe and y/n laugh, "it's ok and thanx you for being ur fan's, well we should head off now." "oh were are you going." "oh we are going to the club to celebrate our new success on our new fashion line but I think we shouldn't go." "well if u both want would you both like to join us for food and a few drinks." "sure that would be grate."

months go by Lando, Chloe, George and y/n had become really close the 4 of them were at Chloe and y/n's holiday home since they wanted to get a away form the work. they were having a good time and enjoying the time off. "I don't want to go back tomorrow."

"same here." "we all don't want to go back but we have to." "my self and chloe need to come up with new designs for our next line but we haven't had any new ideas at all and its stress full."

"we know the feeling we own many cassino's and trying to come up with new ideas to make the place looks good and make sure everything is working is a big pain."

"ok how about this, we all go back tomorrow and work for a few months and then we can go back to having us time and hopefully we can get new staff to help us out to do stuff for us." "George has a point besides we will always have each other to help out if needed its like we don't have people to help us."

another few months go by and y/n and Chloe, Lando and George were in Paris for the Paris fashion week and everything was going good, it was the last night of the Paris fashion week and everyone was now in y/ns hotel room eating and playing truth or dare.

"ok Chloe truth or dare." "I will go with truth." "ok ur question is do you have feelings for someone." "I do have feelings for someone but I will never tell you." George laugh's and nods. "Chloe truth or dare." "I will go with truth."

"ok did you ever hate me at all from the day we met to now." "Chloe I would never hate you I thought u would hate me that is why I was so quite when we first met." Chloe nods

"George truth or dare." "I pick dare." "I dare you to Kiss Y/n." "ok." George turns to y/n and y/n look's George hoping he won't kiss her. George smirks and then Kisses Y/n on her lips and y/n blushes so much she looked like a tomato. George moves back to his space and Y/n doesn't move because she is so shocked. "you broke her George."

"well then I think I figured who he likes." y/n grabs her pillow and throw's it at Lando. Lando laugh's and throw's the pillow back at y/n. "ok Time to go to sleep we need to leave in a few hours." the other's nod and then everyone stood up and went to their own room's beside George he stayed.

"George what are u still doing here." "y/n I know u have feelings for me I knew for a while because I accidently overheard you talking to one of ur friends." "I wanted to tell u George but I was scared to tell you because for me its hard to talk to you."

"well then from this moment on ur mine and I'm urs." y/n smiles and hugs George. "let's get some sleep." George nods and then the both of them climbed into the bed and slept. a few hours go by and all 4 of them are now back in Monaco and everything was going good for them.

The End

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