George Russell (1)

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George is the prince of the rain kingdom while y/n is the princess of the teleportation kingdom, everyone who is a prince or princess from many different kingdom's have their powers but not George he didn't have his powers his parents told him that it normally happens to people that they get their powers later than sooner.

George hated that he didn't have his powers yet since everyone else already had theirs but what made him feel better is that the rain kingdom don't always use their powers as the only time they use their powers if they are hurt so they start to cry which causes it to rain. but that is not always the case someone can just snap their fingers and it will rain.

y/n on the other hand she had her powers and she loved it but she felt like something was missing and she couldn't figure it out what was missing. y/n was currently with her friend Charles from the thunder kingdom the both of them were just chilling by the pool and talking about the upcoming birthday party for George that was happening that night.

"what are u going to wear for this party." "I don't know is there a theme we have to go by or do we just wear anything." "well from what I can gather there is no theme but its only for the royals this time after what happened last time." "oh shit yea I forgot about that." "well which colour are u going with."

"I'm going with the usual blue since its my colour." Charles laugh's "we are ment to wear our kingdom's colour and lucky for the both of us its dark grey or black." "true I do love our kingdom colour." "just in case how about u ask ur parents on what colours we wear then."

y/n nods and gets up and walks into the castle and made her way to her mom's art room since that's where she always spends her day. y/n walks into the room and looked at her mom painting. "anything wrong y/n." "I wanted to ask what colours are we wearing to George's birthday party."

"his parents said anything will do as long its ur prince or princess outfit." "ok thanx mom ill let Charles know now." "no problem daughter and tell Charles I said hello would u." "will do mom." y/n made her way back to Charles and sat back down on the sun chair. "first my mom says hi and she said any colour is fine as long as its our prince or princess suit."

"thanx god because I didn't want to wear grey or black." y/n laugh's, "well I'm going with blue what about u." "ill go with red." "what about Max what colour will he go with." "he will either go with black or black u know him." "yea true I wonder if he ever got his powers." "nope he hasn't Max told me he still doesn't have his powers yet." "I feel bad for him he lost his soulmate and he doesn't have his powers yet."

"I find it odd though because George's family line always got their powers at a certain age and for George he never got his. Max is his brother he got his powers the day he was ment to so its a little odd." "Maybe its like that Disney movie." "really u think its like that."

"yea unless u got a better idea." "ok fine but its nothing like that movie though." "what ever you say." Charles play hits y/n. "maybe it happened to one of his other family members and they got theirs late as well" "ok that makes more sence then the movie." "well anyway we need to go get changed."

"what time is it." "its 4pm the party starts at 6 I believe." "shit I was ment to be home an hour ago to finish off the list for the team fuck." "well u got a hour to do so go now." Charles nods and runs from the back garden to his car to go home. y/n gets up from sitting on the sun chair and made her way into the house to go up stairs to her room.

y/n was looking thought her closet to find the right colour and suit she needed to wear. hour later she picked out two of her clothes and tried to figure out which shade she should pick. 10 minutes go by and she picks the sapphire colour and goes into the bathroom to shower and change into the clothes. y/n was currently styling her hair when her mom walks in. "wow my daughter is looking very pretty who are u trying to impress."

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