Oscar Piastri (2)

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you are walking home from work in the rain and while u were dancing around listening to a song u came across someone doing the same as you minus the umbrella and u smiled,

when the person noticed you doing what he was doing he smiled at you and walked over to you, "I see ur also dancing around enjoying the rain." u giggle,

"yes I love doing this every night after I leave a stressful day at work, how about u." "same my job is very demanding and I just wanted to do something relaxing so I came out here to dance in the rain."

"well don't stay out here to long or other wise u will get sick." "I know I won't stay out here long." "ok have a nice night." "wait before u go dance to one song with me." u looked at ur watch and then looked at the person," "sure why not." "grate." you pull of your headphones and so does he and picks a song for the both of u to dance 2, "promise me to always come here to dance with me." "I can't promise that I will be on time but ill be here."

after that night he never saw u again he always waited in the same place for u but u never showed up he felt be trade that u never showed up, everyday while he races he always thinks of u, 2 years passed and u were sat in ur office when ur phone rang, u looked at ur phone and seen it was an unknown number but u answered it anyway,

"DR y/n speaking how can I help." "hello DR y/n this is Zak brown from McLaren Racing." "how can I help u today." "I would like u to work with us here in McLaren." "it would be an honour to work for the team but I am already signed to work for everyone

anyway I will be starting next week." "ah ok could u come to McLaren first though because Oscar really needs to be checked since he has been down for the past 2 years and he keeps standing outside when it rains and randomly dances like he is with someone." "sure I'll see what I can do." "grate thanx you DR y/n." "no problem I shall see u next week." "ok goodbye." "bye."

after u hung up the phone u thought about what Zak had said, u were so lost in thought u hadn't heard ur friend call ur name, "Y/N." u look up and seen ur friend. "what." "I've been calling ur name for the past 5 minutes u good."

"sorry I was lost in my thoughts again." "thinking about that guy again." u stood up grabbing ur phone and bag and showed the phone to ur friend. "holyshit McLaren racing phoned u." "yea they wanted to sign me to their company for the team but I told them I was assigned to the whole grid."

"ok then what." "then he mentioned that one of the driver's needed to be checked out properly because apparently every time it rains he is always stood outside and starts dancing like he is with someone." "maybe he is the guy u danced with 2 years ago."

"well I never got his name back then so It could be anyone though." "I know but we will know next week when we join." "wait ur also there." "hell yea they wanted the both of us since we are more experience with everything more than the other's."

that week went by quickly and it was now late Sunday night and u were packing ur suitcases, once u were done u placed them into ur car, u went back into the house and grabbed ur phone and then left to go pick up ur friend.

the both of u were in the airport waiting for ur flight. once the both of u had arrived in Australia, after u both arrived at the paddock u scanned ur passes and looked around, "this is so cool." "ur going to love everything." "I keep forgetting u were a medic here before." "wow what a friend u are." the both of u laugh and someone cough's, the both of u turn around,

and seen Zak brown standing there, "sorry we didn't see u there." "its ok welcome to the paddock and follow me please y/n." u nodded and waved to ur friend, "someone will be with u in a minute." she nods and u followed Zak to the McLaren hospitality, "his room is back there u can't miss it." "ok thanx you I will let u know everything once I am done." "ok and it's good to have u back here." "its good to be back." u went to find Oscar's driver's room and once u found it u knocked on the door, "just a second." u waited and then the door opens,

"omg ur back." "hi to u to Lando." "he is in a mood so don't lose ur temper." "Lando u do release I have done this job for years now right plus I own my own centre now and that I will be working with u lot from today on words." "wait really." u nod "there is a meeting with everyone tonight at the hotel to let everyone know what's going on." Lando nods and let's u into the room, u walk in and shut the door after Lando left,

"who are u and what are u doing in my driver's room." "well hello to u 2." Oscar sits up and look's at you, u looked at Oscar and u didn't know what to do. "please tell me ur not in my imagination and ur actually here." "no I am actually here." Oscar runs to u and hugs you, u hug him back and u felt like a massive weight had been lifted off ur shoulders. "I know u never made a promise but u never showed up." "I know and I am sorry I was sent abord to finish my studies, now I am working here full time and I own my own place I won't leave ever again."

Oscar look's at you, "are u serious." "yea I am now I am everyone's main doc." "can u this time keep a promise and dance with me in the rain again." "yes I an now keep that promise and I will always be there to dance with u." Oscar smiles and hugs u more, "so now i'm here u ok." Oscar nods and grabs his phone. "I shall see u after media is done." u nod and then went to work with checking up on the other driver's that u were assigned to.

many month's go by and u and Oscar started dating, u decided u would be signed to work for McLaren, William's and Mercedes as ur main 3 team's. everyone loved u and u friend because u always knew how to make them happy. u were currently sat on the sofa in ur new home u had decided u would move back to Monaco permantly since ur main office was there. Oscar comes and sit's next to you, "it's raining." "I know let's put on our shoes and go outside to dance." "really u want to do that still." "yes because did u forget what today is." u put on ur coat after u had put on ur shoes,

Oscar had also put on his shoes and coat. u grabbed ur phone and then left the house with Oscar, "what is today." "the day we met here and danced for the first time." "I can't believe u still remember this day," "I always have, everyday I would come outside and dance because it was raining I didn't care how stupid I looked." u started to play music and started to dance like u did back then and Oscar laugh's at u before joining u.

after many hours of dancing in the rain around Monaco u were near the boats and dragged Oscar to ur yatch, "what are we doing this is someone's yatch." "don't worry I own this yatch now come let's get changed into warmer clothes." Oscar nods and the both of u changed into warmer clothes. after getting changed u both sat on ur bed and u were sat in between Oscar's leg's and smiled up at him, Oscar smiles down to u and kisses ur forehead, "thanx you for coming back to my life u really changed it that night when we first met." "I knew that one day we would see each other again but I am happy I found u again my self."

I found my peace in the girl I met by dancing in the rain.

The End

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