Max Verstappen (2)

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you and Charles are the same age and u did everything together from karting to playing the piano when u were board. growing up u and Charles were never home as u both were karting almost everyday,

when the both of u went into the international karting everyone fell for u both as u were twins, u caught the attention of 2 people Max and Chase the both of them fell for you. the both of them tried to get ur attention and it worked kinda u never payed,

attention to anyone else besides ur brother because u knew he would be protective of u. the relationship between Charles and Max was funny for you because u knew they were only like this because they were friends off track.

u never liked chase as he was one of the kids where he thinks he is better than everyone else since he was rich. u didn't hate him because he was rich u hated him because he was the reason Charles and Max was in hospital for a long time because he fought with them he punched the both of them until they blacked out.

when u seen the fight happening u tried to stop it but u ended up getting punched as well so u got really angry and kicked chase where the sun don't shine and punched him really hard, but what got people more scared was when u got angry u got really angry and was yelling in both French and Italian.

when the both of them got better u took care of the both of them. a few years had gone by the three of u are now in F1 u and Max drove for Redbull and Charles drove for Ferrari and things were going good u had chase as ur boyfriend after he had apologized for what he done to ur brother and best friend.

it was the last race before summer brake, u had just put on ur balaclava and helmet before getting into the car and with the help of ur manager to strap u in. "Radio check." "loud and clear, stick to plan a and if something happens we will go plan b." "copy." u and max left the garage along with the other's to do the formation lap before making ur way to the starting grid,

Max was in 6th and u were in 7th next to Max, the race starts and it goes well. at one point u got so angry with the car in front of u, u got onto the radio and swore in both French and Italian,

the team didn't know what to say so one of the staff ran from the Redbull garage to the Ferrari garage and ask them to ask Charles when y/n got angry in both French and Italian does it mean they fucked up or was she on about the driver. "Charles we have been asked to ask u that if y/n swares in both French and Italian does it mean they fucked up or if its the car in front of her she is angry about."

"tell them its about the car in front of her that's the only time she will swear in both." "copy." Jay nods and then run's back to the Redbull garage. "we haven't fucked up who ever is in front of her is making her swear in both." "understood." after the race had finished,

u and max were first and second with Charles in third. after the podium celebration was done everyone headed to the hotel. u rushed to get washed up and changed before making ur way to Max's room as u arrive Lando had just gotten there as well.

"u joining us are u." "yep." "omg this is gonna be the best way to start our summer brake." u end up laughing. Max come's out of his room and look's at the both of u. "ready to go." "yes let's go." u Max and Lando left the hotel and headed to Max's helicopter and started ur journey to the festival,

that was happening, after arriving at the location the three of u made ur way from the helicopter to the backstage room's to Martin Garrix dressing room to greet him. that night the three of u were stood back stage listening to Martin Garrix close Tomorrowland and u lot were having fun, u had posted to ur insta story a video of Max and Lando vibing to the song's and then a photo of the 4 of u before going out on stage.

when Charles had seen the photo's he smiled, Pierre and Arthur looked at him weird. "bro u good." "yea just looking at a video of my sister, Lando and Max at the festival." "huh." Charles showed the video u had posted to ur insta story and they laughed.

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