George Russell (2)

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George and Y/n are lovers who have been together for 4 years and everything was going grate for them but recently things for the couple have been going bad George was always telling Y/n,

he was busy and sometimes he was telling the truth but the other times he wasn't he was straight up lying to her. y/n thought nothing of it until she had seen George with Lila and the way,

George was looking at Lila was the way he used to look at y/n. y/n was currently talking to Lewis about the last race of the season and talking about how Netflix were always had their camera's on her instead of the driver's.

Lewis hated the fact the both of them were arguing and how he had noticed how y/n was smiling unless the camera's were on her but he knew it was media trained smile. "y/n what's going on." "Me and George are not talking." "what do you mean."

"ever since him and Lila had started talking during that party we had during the summer vacation he hasn't even looked at me or even talk to me unless I say something and then we argue." "why thought. "I don't know I tried asking him last night but he just ended up yelling at me and telling to leave him alone." "Maybe its because the race is tomorrow and he is just stressed."

"we all know he doesn't get stressed over any races why all of a sudden he does." "ok yea true Ill talk to him about it. "ok I'll go back to the hotel I will see u there." Y/n makes her way out of the garage and left the paddock to go to the hotel." everyone had noticed how sad y/n was and everyone followed her to make sure she is ok.

Lewis on the other hand walks over to George and Lila. "hey George can I talk to u for a minute please" "oh hey Lewis and yea sure." "cool let's head to ur driver's room I don't want other people listening in." George nods and the both of them made their way to George's driver's room.

"so what's up." "I know ur going to get angry for me asking but what is going on between you and y/n because she hasn't been eating at all for the past 3 months." "I am angry u have asked because there is nothing wrong with us." "are u sure." "yes im sure why are u asking about this anyway this is our business now don't ask anything else."

Lewis got angry and left the room and made his way to the hotel they were staying at. he goes up to the front desk. "how can I assist you today." "I wanted to know if y/n got back safely." "yes she did but she passed out here in the lobby so lucky enough Alex and Lilly had walked in behind her and took her to the driver's medical centre at the paddock."

Lewis thanx the staff and left the hotel and made his way to the medical centre to see that everyone but George was there, Lewis had noticed she was asleep. "what happened." "we all seen how sad she was and looked like she would pass out any moment and she did as she entered the hotel so we brought her here."

"the doctor said she is really ill and she might not be with us soon so we need to make sure she will be ok to see this race and for any of us to win." "what do u mean by that what is wrong with my sister." "she is really ill and hasn't got long." "she has been doing treatment it should of worked." "it did and she got rid of it but it came back and worse this time."

everyone never left y/n's room unless it was something to do with the press or going to the practise. it was now race day everyone was getting ready y/n was sitting in Redbull garage with Kelly. "are u sure ur ok." "yes I'm sure." "why didn't u tell us u got it again." "I didn't want anyone to worry about me they already have enough stress with the races let alone need to worry about me."

"u really love all of them like a sister don't you." "yep and I always will, promise to take care of them for me." "no don't say that u will be fine." "please this is the only thing I have ever asked u to do." "I know but still u will be ok but I promise ill take care of them all. along side the other girls." y/n smiles and hugs Kelly.

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