01 | Reputation

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The rain poured down and I found myself running under the bleachers—trying to stay as dry as possible as I waited.

I look around and sigh "Of course he isn't here" I mumble. The sound of a loud whistle caught my attention, making me look between the spaces of the bleacher and towards the field.

The football players had to arrive a week early as they started practices before the season started. I swallow harshly as my eyes land on a familiar male.

I noticed the team abandoned their gear as they ran up and down the field. Not caring about the mud that stuck to their feet as the rain poured down—dripping down their skin... his skin.

"Boo," I yelp and turn around, pushing the boy away as he laughs loudly.

"Luke, what the fuck?!"

He smiled his classic perfect smile "Oh come on babe, I was just messing around"

I glare at him "I don't like when you scare me"

His hands go to my waist as he pulls me close and kisses me. I pull away shortly after, my hand on his chest "How was your summer away?"

"It would've been better if I got to see you"

Luke and I have been dating—or whatever you called this for about a year and no it wasn't public. We attended an all-boys boarding school, things would get complicated very fast if people found out about us.

"I know Jisung but you know how my parents are, they love to travel during the break"

I sigh softly "I just missed you"

Luke smirks and leans closer to me "Missed me enough to finally sleep with me?"

I swallowed harshly and gently pulled away "I'm still not ready for that"

Luke's face drops and he rolls his eyes "Then what are we doing?" He asks me, letting me go "Wasting time?"

I scoff "No, I thought we were taking our time to actually get to know each other but it seems to me like you are only here for one thing"

"We can take our time and explore more"

I roll my eyes and walk past him. Luke grabs my arm, stopping me "Jisung, don't walk away from me"

I look at him and pull my arm back "We should hurry up and go to the gym to get our room keys, we wouldn't want anyone looking for us" I said a bit harshly before walking away and into the rain.


"Jisung, I've been looking for you everywhere" Hyunjin walks up to me as I enter the gym, "Did you just arrive?"

I nod, "Yeah, I woke up later than I should have" I let out an awkward laugh.

Hyunjin looks over my face and nods slowly. It the worst lie as I was known to be a morning person. "Right"

The gym was flooded with students, a lot of new faces but many familiar ones. I walk to the table and smile at the older lady "Jisung Han, lovely seeing you back"

There was a rumor going around that I wasn't going to be back this school year but with my parents constantly traveling for work they figured they trusted me more here. Not like I gave them a reason to never trust me alone, they were just oddly overprotective about my safety... Weren't all parents?

I let out a small chuckle as she handed me my school books and room key "Lovely to be back" I said to her and she returned the smile.

"She creeps me out" Hyunjin finds my side again, "Something about her, she's too nice"

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now