24 | Extra Attention

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I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best
But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me

The light touches of his fingers coaxed me awake. My sore eyes opened to find his gaze on his movements on my arm, softly tracing invisible shapes on my skin.

"Good morning"

Minho's eyes snap to mine and he smiles softly, "Good morning" He tells me, pulling me close and I chuckle into the nape of his neck.

Pulling away and looking at him, the sun beaming on his face beautifully. Making my smile fall at the realization. The sun was up, meaning one thing.

"What time is it?" I sit up and Minho does the same.

"Still early Ji" Minho reassures me, his hand on my cheek as he lets out a breathy chuckle, "Stay here with me?"

I only knew my life with a routine. I never skipped my morning runs, never but his eyes were so tempting. Making me smile at him and fall back onto him as he accepts my hug.

Lying on top of his warm body, head on his chest as he runs his hand up and down my back. The sound of his heartbeat makes me fall into contentment "We have to get up for breakfast later" I remind him that we won't be staying in here all morning.

"Sounds good" He accepts.

We stayed in silence for a minute, my eyes looking over to his untouched bed and a small smile played on my face. These beds were small but I never slept so comfortably. I never slept in, yes this was my definition of sleeping in because my body usually wakes up before the sun does but not today... not with him next to me.

I form my arms over his chest and prop my chin up on it as I look up at him. Not initiating a conversation but instead drinking up his state. Messy hair and sleepy eyes, a lazy smile on his lips as he watches me watch him.

"How did you sleep?" I ask him, finally breaking the silence. His hands slowly leave my back as he pushes the hair from my face.

"I didn't fall off so that's a bonus" I roll my eyes and he chuckles lowly, "Really good"

My cheeks heat up and I drop my face into his chest, hiding away shyly, his fingers run through my hair and I let out a small sigh. I felt oddly content after yesterday.

In his arms is the only place I wanted to be.


He didn't leave my side. As I got up to shower he did the same, we walked to breakfast together and to top it off he joined me for breakfast alongside a confused Felix and a curious Hyunjin. They don't ask about it though as they continue on and on about the usual random topics.

It wasn't long before Minho's friends found us and invited themselves to join in on the topics. We hung out as a group before but never during breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This was new, it was good.

It felt right excluding the eyes I felt on us most of the time. Pushing away that lingering guilt I felt when Minho paid extra attention to me today. Bringing me back into the conversation when I spaced out or sneaked small touches to my hand.

I felt this heavy weight of guilt on my chest that I knew I wouldn't be able to shake unless I was open to him about that night. Every time I met with Minho's smile I ignored the guilt because look at him. Look at us, we were good, why ruin it?


Minho wanted to go back to the room but I wanted to soak in the warmth as much as I could, I won. Finding a spot under a tree not far from the field since he had practice soon, still he wanted to spend more time with me for whatever reason.

He leans his back onto the tree as he mindlessly picks at the grass. I sat before him, leaning back on my palms, and finally, I got the courage to say, "You didn't tell me about the game Friday"

Minho's actions paused before looking up at me "I only like to brag after a win" He tried to joke but his smile didn't reach his eyes, so I didn't return it. Minho picks up on it as he lets out a small sigh and stops picking at the grass, saying "I shouldn't have left that night"

I bite at my lip, "It was a bad night" I make an excuse for him but he shakes his head.

"Yeah but I would've felt better if I stayed" He admits to me, "You make me feel better"

I frown slightly, "Then why did you?"

His chest rises as he inhales a deep breath "I had this stupid argument with my dad, not football related but I was already not in the mood, and getting that call didn't help"

"The family company?"

His eyes meet mine and for a second he just stares before nodding "Yeah" He shrugs "The thing is I had the option to turn it down and do my own thing, it was completely my choice and I want it... I do" He opens up, sighing out a frustrated sigh as he says "But recently, there's been times I wonder if I made the wrong decision"

We sat there for a while longer, I reminded him that whatever decision he ended up with his dad would understand.

Tracing over the bandage on my palm as we spend the last seconds together. Every time his eyes meet my bandaged palm, I'm tempted to spill the real reasoning behind it but I back down.

I hated to admit it but Luke was right and I wasn't going to mess this up for us. Telling myself it wasn't a big deal as long as we were both okay.

[Now playing : peace by Taylor Swift]

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now