06 | No Competition

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Do you picture me like I picture you?
Am I in the frame from your point of view?

I lied when I said it was a 'small fall', sorta. A stumble maybe. Didn't matter then but now as I stretch before my run I feel the pain in my left knee. When I was showering last night I noticed the bruising start to appear and I mentally cursed.

I really wasn't a clumsy person but my attention was elsewhere last night and—there was no point in dwelling on the embarrassment, it happened and I rather not replay it in my head.

For most of my run, I ignored the ache in my knee but not for long until I stopped completely. I sighed lowly, looking toward the dining hall from where I stood, there were already others entering the building.

I was putting off my full run of the morning, if I kept running it would only make the aching worse and I needed to run or else I think I would do things without thinking about the consequences first.

You would be surprised by all the things I talked myself out of during my runs.


I walked into the dorm and Minho looked up, eyes tired as his brows rose a bit. Surprised to see me because I never ended my runs so soon, when I came back Minho was always already up and gone from the room.

I walk more into the room, ignoring his gaze down to my knee, "Should I get you some knee pads?" I had no idea the boy had a humor so early in the morning.

I look back and throw him a glare "If you didn't have your shoes lying around then—"

"Okay, I got it. Putting my shoes away from now on" Minho smirks.

I look away and grab a clean set of my uniform, I use to hate this goddamn thing—so formal but I got used to it, saves me time then having to look for an outfit every day.

"Wait up for me" I furrow my brows, watching him grab his uniform as well. Walking past me, I assumed he expected me to follow him out of the room as he looked back at me "You coming or just gonna stand there all day?"

I nod and walk out of the dorm with him, a few others glance at us as we walk to the communal showers, "Since you came back early, I was thinking we should walk to the dining hall together" Minho says as we walk into the restroom.

I look at him "Yeah, sure"

Minho gives me a small nod, putting his clothes down before disappearing into a shower stall. I did the same, taking the one next to his since it was the only one not occupied.

I mentally tried my best not to think about his naked body in the shower next to me the entire shower and failed, let's not act surprised that I ended my shower with very cold water.


The walk to the dining hall didn't consist of much talking. Minho walked with his hands in his pockets, head held up high, and with no expression on his face. Typical.

He did keep close to me though, our shoulder brushing occasionally. I didn't realize how random this was. Walking together to breakfast was surprising for others but us being friends was so... random. It was a weirdly random pairing for sure and I didn't realize it until we walked into the dining hall and I felt the glances and gazes of the other males. It didn't last long before they looked away and continued on, mostly but some stares lingered a bit longer.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now