21 | Delicate

945 65 21

Is it too soon to do this yet?
'Cause I know that it's delicate

I woke up in pain, like usual except I was far from used to it.

I groan lightly, sitting up and rubbing my hand over my shoulder. The crash really didn't affect me in the beginning, I came out unscathed, aside from the scar on my back. The back and shoulder pain comes and goes as it pleases.

I rub my hands over my face, looking over to the clock on the desk and seeing I was up way earlier than I usually wake up. Putting my face in my hands and inhaling deeply before getting up and out of bed.

I looked over to Minho who was always still asleep. It became a part of my routine, like a little check-up to make sure he was okay and didn't have a nightmare I was unaware of throughout the night. Putting me at ease when I see he is sleeping peacefully.

I took it upon myself to always be there when he had one. I don't feel like I had to be but I wanted to be there. To help him through it because I see how much it affects him. I don't want him to go through that alone, not ever again.

I stumble a bit, still tired but I hoped I just needed to stretch my body to rid this pain, knowing that never was the case but hoping today it would be.


The chilly breeze surrounds me the second I step outside. I look around, the sun barely rising, and with each breath out comes fog. The cold wasn't helping the ache in my body but I ignored it as I walked to the track, hands in my pockets.

Usually, anyone would be creeped out to be out alone when it's not light out but the campus was pretty secure. Far into the woods and the only thing close enough was the all-girl boarding school. Nothing ever happened more than a couple of fights and even that didn't happen often. The gossip was the only lethal thing around.

I start to stretch after putting my things down. After stretching, my body was screaming at me but again, I ignored it and ran. I ran until I couldn't which was quicker than I expected. Only ran two laps around the track before I gave up. Grabbing my things and walking my ass back to the room.

It was still early and breakfast still hadn't started, I had no idea how I was going to spend my time since I was now wide awake and in pain.

So, I hurried back to the room, pushed through the door, and dropped my things immediately. I didn't pay attention to Minho's state as I walked to my desk and grabbed my pills.

"You're already back?" I heard Minho's hoarse voice, tiredness laced in it.

I grab my water bottle and nod before popping the pills into my mouth and swallowing them with water. "Yeah, my back hurts and the cold wasn't helping" I let out a defeated chuckle.

Minho sits up and rubs his eyes, looking over at me as I strip from my hoodie. He lifts his blanket and scoots over with a small smile.

I return the smile and get into his bed, snuggling up into his blankets that were filled with his scent. I hum lightly, my eyes falling closed as his hand finds my back. Rubbing my back softly, my eyes open as his hand slips under my shirt and applies more pressure.

He was propped up onto his side, trying to relieve my pain and I just stared at his perfect face. Slowly his hand runs down my back and chills flood my body.

"Is this from the wreck?" He asks, finally meeting my eyes as his finger traces over the scar.

I nod "Yeah, I used to hate it"

"Not anymore?" He questions, still tracing the scar.

I shrug and lean more into him "I realized I couldn't do anything about it, it's on me whether I like it or not"

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now