15 | Stargazing

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Get me a drink, I get drunk off one sip
Just so I can adore you

"Wait up!" I shout to Hyunjin who excitedly runs down the grassy hill and to the others.

I stop walking and shake my head with a sigh, tonight was one of the only nights the school extended roaming hours. The night sky was clear and though we still couldn't go beyond campus grounds, most of the students gathered out here to hang out under the stars.

I've spent this night stargazing alongside Hyunjin every year. It was calming, for a moment the world stopped and the weight on my shoulders was gone as Hyunjin and I tried to count the stars but failed every time.

Tonight was not so calm. My eyes fell on my roommate who I haven't seen all day due to classes—he had practice right after so he was freshly showered. Butterflies spread in my stomach.

I swallow harshly as I start to walk towards them again, pushing my hands into my jean pockets as the slight breeze blows past me as I walk up to them.

"Keep playing like that and we will lose, on top of that you'll get hurt" Minho snaps at Changbin who scoffs. I was unaware of the heated tension between the two until now.

"I did perfectly fine—"

"You let Wes push you around all practice" Minho mutters, his eyes leaving the boy and going to me. His hard expression softens "Hey" His tone grows gentle, making Changbin mumble something I couldn't hear.

I give him a forced smile, I don't want to get on anyone's bad side, and for some reason, I felt Changbin's bad mood surround me.

I look down at the blankets Hyunjin had placed on the grass, sitting down and looking at Felix who whispers to Changbin.

"Ugh, I forgot the snacks" Hyunjin groans, "I'll be right back"

"I'll go with" Chan left with him.

Minho walks to me and sits beside me, bumping my shoulder with a playful smile "You're being really quiet"

"I'm always quiet" I squint at him.

His brows rose slightly, "Ji, I think you're the most talkative person I know... and Felix is my brother"

I just smile at him before looking away and up to the clear sky. The stars were on full display for us to appreciate.

"What's going on with you and Changbin?" I ask softly, looking at the boy beside me, keeping my voice low. "Things seem..."

"We're all good," Minho says, looking at me "Just had some mishaps during practice"

I frown "I'm sure everything will be okay in time for the game this week"

The boy shrugs lightly "I'm not worried about the game, if Changbin doesn't learn the plays this week I'll have the coach bench him"

"He's your friend—"

"And that's why I'll have him sit out of the game, he will get hurt out there if he doesn't get his shit together" Minho's voice was harsh and I swallow harshly, looking away. "I'm looking out for him Ji"

"I never said you weren't" I look down and pick at the grass "Just try to talk to him..." I look at him briefly "Like actually talk and not be so harsh about it" Something flashed in his eyes, something that sent chills down my spine.

Loud laughter made me look away from his cold gaze and towards the two laughing boys who tossed the snacks onto the ground as they doubled over to catch their breath.

"I don't remember us having that many snacks in our room," Felix says suspiciously.

Hyunjin looks up and smirks "I never said I was getting the snacks from our room"

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now