20 | Neck Kisses

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I hope you're not fakin' it
Cause it feels like it's supposed to happen

Is this what it felt like to have a crush? The constant butterflies, smiling, not being able to stay away from the other, and just wanting to be with them twenty four seven? Because that's how I felt.

I lean my back against the tree and look to the smiling boy, his eyes find my neck where he pushes down the collar of my uniform with a smirk "Look at that" He teases.

I smack his hand away and he laughs loudly, "Someone doesn't know how to contain himself" he grabs my waist and gets closer to me.

"Fine, i'm contained" He states despite his actions, kissing my jaw and down to my neck, feeling his tongue licking the mark he made yesterday.

I grab his face into my hand and shake my head "We can't do this Minho" He whines I smile at him, "They'll come looking for us"

We were supposed to be in the dining hall for lunch but as I walked out of class Minho pulled me out of the building and if it were any other boy I would've yelled—who drags you to the woods randomly if it isn't to kill you? The only thing he was killing right now was my self restraint.

"No they won't" He leans in and pressed a short kiss onto my lips. I've never felt so wanted. With Luke it had been different, like he wanted me but he also wanted something I wasn't ready to give to him.

If I think too much about all of it I'll end up spiraling. It's just so different. I guess it's true that everyone brings out different sides of you, I knew without a doubt that Minho liked to be around me. Also he never forced anything more than making out and that in itself makes me more comfortable. Allowed us to slow things down.

"We should head back before lunch is over" I knew Hyunjin was already suspecting something, Felix knows something up and he also didn't try to make me spill anything more that what I wanted to.

Minho frowns, wrapping his arms around me, and putting his face in the nape of my neck "I don't like my next class, the teacher hates me" I chuckle at how dramatic he was being "And, I don't want to leave you"

I pull away, giving his cheek a small kiss "We need to go" I start to walk out of the trees and back to the dining hall.

Minho jogs up to me, wrapping his arms around my torso and spinning me around while showering my neck with kisses. I laugh loudly "Minho, put me down!" I yell with a large smile and he listens. Shoving his shoulder playfully "Someone will see us"

Minho smirk and shrugs "Oh well, I'll just kick their ass"

I roll my eyes and continue to walk, he does the same "We share a room" I tell him.

"I know, that's really dangerous" I glare at him and he chuckles.

"Pervert" I mumble and he suppresses a smile. Opening the door for me and I whisper a small thank you.

This is when things got awkward between us. I mean the two of us arriving at the end of lunch was suspicious wasn't it?

I look at him and he gives me a small smile "Just gonna stand there?"

My eyes widen "No" I shake my head "Bye" I walk away and mentally curse. Forcing a smile on my face as I approach the two boys who already accompany the table, "Hi"

"Don't sound so suspicious" Hyunjin smirks.

I furrow my brows "Why would I be suspicious?" I sit down.

"Coming to lunch late blushing is the start"

I shake my head "I don't know what your talking about"

"Fine, we won't talk about it" and that's exactly what we did. We didn't talk about it.

[Now playing : Best Disaster by Cuco]

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now