00 | Monster

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Mama, life had just begun
But now i've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, didn't mean to make you cry

"W-What did you do?" She looked at me with fear laced in her eyes "What did you do?!" She yelled, making me flinch.

"I didn't mean to," I said lowly, "I-I just wanted t-to protect you," I told my mom.

Wasn't that what I was supposed to do? Protect her? I thought that's what sons do but the way she looked at me made me realize I might have been wrong.

I watch as she holds the man's body, sobbing and I go to walk to her. To help her but she put out her hand to stop me "No!" She yelled, "Do not come near me"

I felt my eyes well up and I ran to my room. My mom was everything to me but now she looked at me like I was a monster.

I slam my door and lean onto it, looking down at my bloody hands. "I didn't mean to" I mumble to myself. Tears fall from my eyes, "I-I'm not a monster" I try to reassure myself.

Sitting on the floor and wiping my hands off on my jeans. I tried to figure out what went wrong but I knew what triggered me. He had hurt her and I was tired of him hurting her.

I didn't know how long I was in my room, but long enough for the sun to start to set as I heard my mom walk to my room.

I hoped she had forgiven me and would walk in and give me one of her tightest hugs, telling me it would be okay. She always told me that it would be.

As the door opened I knew it wouldn't be that as she avoided my eyes and stood by the door, "Get your stuff, your dad is coming for you"

I stand up "My dad?" I question her, "I-I thought you said he died?"

I grew up with my mom and only her until she met Danny. She told me my dad had died because he was ill when she was a few months pregnant and of course, I believed her. I watched her mourn him, or at least I thought I did.

She ignored me and walked away, I followed her, and before I got to question anything I noticed the mess now cleaned up and it looked like nothing happened there.

"Where is Danny?"

She looked at me "You killed him Minho" I knew that but where was he now? His body? The blood? I look down and bite at my bottom lip to suppress my tears "Go get your stuff or you will be leaving with nothing" She says harshly.

I did as she said, afraid of how she spoke to me. I always knew her to be gentle and never raise her voice, especially at me.

I waited in my room, packing up a backpack of things I thought I needed. I was thirteen so honestly I wasn't sure what was essential. Then, I sat on my bed and waited.

An hour later my door opened again, I didn't bother to look up as I awaited my mom's harsh voice but I didn't get that.

"Minho" I heard a male's voice, it was delicate but held no fear unlike my mother's.

I look up and meet eyes with an unfamiliar male "Dad?" I question, still not sure.

The male walked into the room, standing in front of me "I really hoped I wouldn't have to see you this soon, son"

I look down "You don't want me either?"

He knelt down and I looked at him, "You are too young for my world Minho, I'd hoped to get a call from your mom when you were much older or not at all"

"I'm old enough"

He smiles at me and looks over my hair, pushing it out of my face. My hair was long, bangs falling over my eyes "You need a haircut son"

I frown, "Do I have to leave mom all alone?"

He sighs lowly "It will be for the best," He tells me, "But she will be alright, I promise"

Tears filled my eyes "She hates me" I told him, "I killed Danny" I admitted to my dad, "Why don't you hate me?"

My dad gives me a soft smile "You are a protector, that is in your blood. A fighter"

I look down "A monster" I mumble, that's what I was. I knew that at a young age because I didn't regret killing the man my mom loved.

I would do it again and again if it meant she would be okay.

[Now playing : Bohemian Rhapsody
by Panic! At The Disco]

Putting out new books>>>

This one will be interesting and a bit different from my others when it comes to the pace of the relationship in the beginning.

I don't know, I want to try something new out I guess.

Hope you like it and here is the playlist for now <3

Hope you like it and here is the playlist for now <3

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