13 | Vanilla Ice Cream

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I hope day i'll be on you list
Maybe things will make sense if we kiss

The perfect weather didn't happen often around here. The sun was beaming, no cloud in sight and it was the weekend. It couldn't be more perfect.

Waking up and doing my morning run, I immediately knew what the day would bring as the humidity was at an all-time high and I had to stop for water more times than I'd like to count.

A cold shower was mine and most likely everyone here's best friend on hot days like these. Waking up a sweating mess because the air conditioning in the dorms was the worst, you would think how much money this school cost they would at least give us that but we all couldn't get what we wanted. They worked good at night but once the sun poured through the windows, say goodbye to a cool room.

By the time lunch hit and during everyone's irritated moods from the heat, the announcements turn on, "Good morning students, since the weather took a sudden turn this morning we are encouraging a lake day while we send maintenance out to the dorms to look into the cooling system. All local boarding schools in the area are welcome onto campus, have a wonderful day" The boys cheer but I look to a smiling Felix.

"Trust me, they say they will fix the AC but they won't," I tell him before I take a bite of the sandwich.

Felix furrows his brows "So the school hardly has lake days?"

"It's not often, we take advantage of the warmer weather even though our dorm is like a sauna" Hyunjin answers, "Lake days are our form of beach days basically"

"The school also allows us to go into town for ice cream but we have to check out before we leave and check back in when we return"

Felix nods, soaking in this information "I never realized how strict it was here"

"Minho's never talked about this place?"

Felix shrugs "Here and there but never anything about rules"

I hum and move around what's left of my lunch. Minho and I have been getting a lot closer, in the secret of our room—well it wasn't so secret. When we saw each other around he would send me a small smile and I would return it, we were friendly but in our room were joking around and he laughed freely at my terrible jokes or listened to my random rants about how much I hated writing whatever essay my teacher assigned. I realized I hardly went to the library anymore because I much rather be in his presence.

It wasn't always us talking though, sometimes we both did homework while soft music played or the sound of the outside rain poured in from the open window. It was kind of our thing now.

"Thankfully I joined for my last year, I don't think I would be able to live without air conditioning" Felix groans.

"So you are changing the cooling every night while I'm in bed" Hyunjin glares at Felix "I practically wake up purple from the lack of warmth"

Felix holds his hands up in surrender "Hey, Hey, Hey, I give you an extra blanket while you sleep to keep you warm"

Hyunjin's face softens "Wait, I have realized that" Felix smiles and puts a hand on the boy's shoulder.

I stare at them wide-eyed and hoping anyone would save me from these two. I look away and to the table beside us, looking at the blonde boy I swallow harshly as I look away immediately.

Luke hasn't tried to talk to me or text me... or anything to do with me and for one, I was confused. I was happy about it, I think. Apart from me kinda hurt though, like maybe I'm not worth fighting for and he realized that. I don't miss all that our relationship was but I can't lie and say it didn't feel good to feel wanted.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now